There is no longer a separate trial version. Instead, you can activate
your license using the new license manager.
The new license manager application lets you keep track of when your
trial version or update subscription will expire,
and helps you order or upgrade.
F# support
Integration with fsi, including pretty printing of vectors and matrices.
Support for F# indexers for vector and matrix slices.
Support for F#-specific operators like elementwise multiply and divide.
F# function bindings for many mathematical and statistical functions.
F# function bindings that allow partial evaluation.
F# support for symbolic differentiation.
Math Library
A new static class, NumericsConfiguration, provides access to global settings, including settings for
the linear algebra and FFT kernels, and arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic.
Akima splines and cubic Hermite splines.
Evaluation of orthogonal polynomials.
Vector and Matrix Library
New symmetric indefinite decomposition.
New Summarize methods to display compact representations of vectors and matrices.
100% of DoubleComplex functionality is available in managed code.
All functionality is now available for generic element types, including real and complex,
as well as dense and sparse matrices.
Consistent naming of operator methods for static calls, in-place and out-of-place updates.
Relational operators for generic matrices.
The location of native assemblies can be configured.
Matlab reader can access all arrays in a file, not just the first.
Statistics Library
Factor analysis using a wide variety of extraction and rotation methods.
New method to compute the nearest correlation matrix.
New methods to get the skewness or kurtosis of a numerical variable with its standard error.