Basic Vectors in C# QuickStart Sample

Illustrates the basic use of the Vector class for working with vectors in C#.

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using System;

// The Vector class resides in the Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra
// namespace.
using Extreme.Mathematics;

namespace Extreme.Numerics.QuickStart.CSharp
    /// <summary>
    /// Illustrates the use of the Vector class in the 
    /// Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra namespace of Extreme Numerics.NET.
    /// </summary>
    class BasicVectors
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The license is verified at runtime. We're using
            // a demo license here. For more information, see
            Extreme.License.Verify("Demo license");

            // Constructing vectors

            // Option #1: specify the number of elements. 
            // All elements are set to zero. 
            // In this case, you must specify the element type
            // as a generic type argument:
            var v1 = Vector.Create<double>(5);
            // Option #2: specify the elements.
            // The element type can be inferred from the arguments.
            var v2 = Vector.Create(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
            // Option #3: specify the elements as a double array.
            // By default, the elements are copied to a storage
            // area internal to the Vector.
            double[] elements = new double[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
            var v3 = Vector.Create(elements);
            // Option #4: same as above, and specify mutability.
            var v4 = Vector.Create(elements, ArrayMutability.Immutable);
            // Changing a value in the original vector changes
            // the resulting vector.
            Console.WriteLine("v4 = {0:F4}", v4);
            elements[3] = 1;
            Console.WriteLine("v4 = {0:F4}", v4);
            // Option #5: same as #4, but specify if the values array 
            // should be reused for storage.
            var v5 = Vector.Create(4, elements, true, ArrayMutability.MutableValues);

            // Vector properties
            // The Length property gives the number of elements
            // of a Vector:
            Console.WriteLine("v1.Length = {0}", v1.Length);
            // The ToArray method returns a double array
            // that contains the elements of the vector.
            // This is always a copy:
            elements = v2.ToArray();
            Console.WriteLine("Effect of shared storage:");
            Console.WriteLine("v2[2] = {0}", v2[2]);
            elements[2] = 1;
            Console.WriteLine("v2[2] = {0}", v2[2]);

            // Accessing vector elements

            // The Vector class defines an indexer property that
            // takes a zero-based index.
            Console.WriteLine("Assigning with private storage:");
            Console.WriteLine("v1[2] = {0}", v1[2]);
            // You can assign to this property:
            v1[2] = 7;
            Console.WriteLine("v1[2] = {0}", v1[2]);
            // The vectors v4 and v5 had the copy parameter in the
            // constructor set to false. As a result, they share 
            // their element storage. Changing one vector also 
            // changes the other:
            Console.WriteLine("Assigning with shared storage:");
            Console.WriteLine("v5[1] = {0}", v5[1]);
            v5[1] = 7;
            Console.WriteLine("v5[1] = {0}", v5[1]);

            // The SetValue method sets all elements of a vector
            // to the same value:
            Console.WriteLine("v1 = {0:F4}", v1);
            // The SetToZero method sets all elements to 0:
            Console.WriteLine("v1 = {0:F4}", v1);

            // Copying and cloning vectors

            // A shallow copy of a vector constructs a vector
            // that shares the element storage with the original.
            // This is done using the ShallowCopy method:
            Console.WriteLine("Shallow copy vs. clone:");
            var v7 = v2.ShallowCopy();
            // The clone method creates a full copy.
            var v8 = v2.Clone();
            // When we change v2, v7 changes, but v8 is left
            // unchanged.
            Console.WriteLine("v2[1] = {0}", v2[1]);
            v2[1] = -2;
            Console.WriteLine("v7[1] = {0}", v7[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("v8[1] = {0}", v8[1]);
            // We can give a vector its own element storage
            // by calling the CloneData method:
            // Now, changing the original v2 no longer changes v7:
            v2[1] = 4;
            Console.WriteLine("v7[1] = {0}", v7[1]);
            // The CopyTo method copies the elements of a Vector
            // to a variety of destinations. It may be a Vector:
            Console.WriteLine("v5 = {0:F4}", v5);
            Console.WriteLine("v1 = {0:F4}", v1);
            // You can specify an index where to start copying
            // in the destination vector:
            v5.CopyTo(v1, 1);
            Console.WriteLine("v1 = {0:F4}", v1);
            // Or you can copy to a double array:

            // Mutability options

            // When creating a vector, you can specify whether 
            // the values and non-zero pattern of the vector 
            // may be modified.

            Console.Write("Press Enter key to exit...");