Visual Studio as an interactive technical computing environment
A year ago, we were experimenting with an extensive sample that would illustrate the linear algebra capabilities of our math library. Unfortunately, M#, the .NET Matrix Workbench didn’t get very far. We’re technical guys. Building user interfaces just isn’t our cup of tea, and the IDE we built wasn’t stable enough to make it into an end-user product.
At the time, I realized that much of the functionality needed for this kind of interactive computing environment was already present in Visual Studio .NET. For example, we already have an excellent code editor, a project workspace, and tool windows that display variables and their values. Moreover, in the Visual Studio SDK, we have a framework for extending that environment with visualizers for specific types of variables, intellisense, custom project items, and so on.
Plus, you have a great library (the .NET Base Class Libraries) that you can use to do just about anything you’d like.
In short, Visual Studio is the ideal starting point to build a great technical computing IDE.
A couple of recent news items bring this vision closer to reality. Aaron Marten reports that the February 2006 CTP of the Visual Studio 2005 SDK now contains a tool window that hosts an IronPython console. And just a few days ago, Don Syme gave us a taste of what is to come in the next release of F#. The screen shot is the kind you would expect from Matlab. (I guess I was right when I wrote that Don gets what scientists and engineers need.)
Now, all we need is a Matlab-like language for the .NET platform…