DataExtensions Methods


ReadDataFrame(IDataReader, Int32) Reads a data frame from a data reader.
ReadDataFrame(IDataReader, IEnumerable<String>, Int32) Reads the specified columns from a data reader and returns them as a data frame.
ReadDataFrame<R>(IDataReader, String, Int32, Boolean) Reads a data frame from a data reader and uses the specified column as row keys.
ReadDataFrame<R>(IDataReader, String, IEnumerable<String>, Int32, Boolean) Reads the specified columns from a data reader and returns them as a data frame using the specified column as row keys.
ToDataFrame(DataTable) Constructs a data frame from a data table.
ToDataFrame(DataTable, IEnumerable<String>) Constructs a data frame from the specified columns in a data table.
ToDataFrame<R>(DataTable, String) Constructs a data frame from a data table using the specified key column.
ToDataFrame<R>(DataTable, String, IEnumerable<String>) Constructs a data frame from the specified columns in a data table using the specified key column.
ToDataTable(IDataFrame) Constructs a data table from a data frame.
ToDataTable(IDataFrame, String) Constructs a data table from a data frame.
ToDataTable<C>(IDataFrame, IEnumerable<C>) Constructs a data table from the specified columns a data frame.
ToDataTable<C>(IDataFrame, String, IEnumerable<C>) Constructs a data table from the specified columns a data frame.

See Also