AnovaModel |
Represents an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) model.
AnovaModelRow |
Represents a row representing a contribution from the model in an AnovaTable.
AnovaRow |
Represents a row in an AnovaTable.
AnovaTable |
Represents a table containing the results of an ANOVA analysis.
ContingencyTable |
Represents a table that cross-tabulates totals from two categorical variables.
Descriptives<T> |
Collects descriptive statistics for a variable.
Filter |
Represents a filter that can be used to select observations in a
Vector<T> or IDataFrame.
GeneralizedLinearModel |
Represents a generalized linear model.
HypothesisTests |
Contains static methods to create hypothesis tests.
Kernel |
Represents a kernel used for kernel density estimation.
KernelDensity |
Contains methods for computing kernel density estimates.
LinearRegressionModel |
Represents a linear regression model.
LinkFunction |
Represents a link function in a GeneralizedLinearModel.
LogisticRegressionModel |
Represents a logistic regression model.
ModelFamily |
Represents a family of distributions for the dependent variable in a GeneralizedLinearModel.
NonlinearRegressionModel |
Represents a nonlinear regression model.
OneWayAnovaModel |
Represents the results of a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
OneWayRAnovaModel |
Represents an analysis of variance (ANOVA) calculation.
PolynomialRegressionModel |
Represents a polynomial regression model.
RegressionStep |
Represents information about a step in a stepwise regression.
RegularizedRegressionModel |
Represents a regularized (ridge or LASSO) regression model.
SimpleRegressionModel |
Represents a linear regression model.
Stats |
Provides static methods for descriptive statistics and other statistical functions.
StepwiseOptions |
Specifies options for stepwise regression calculations.
TwoWayAnovaModel |
Represents a two-way within-subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) model.
WindowFilter |
Represents a sliding window on a variable or variable collection.