MatlabStream Methods


Dispose() Releases unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from DataStream)
Dispose(Boolean) Releases resources.
(Overrides DataStream.Dispose(Boolean))
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Flush Causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying data store.
(Overrides DataStream.Flush())
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ReadAll Reads all objects from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadAllDataFrames() Reads all data frames from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadAllMatrices<T> Reads all matrices with the specified element type from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadAllVectors<T> Reads all vectors with the specified element type from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadDataFrame(String) Reads the data frame with the specified name in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadDataFrame<R>(Int32, Boolean) Reads a data frame from the file.
(Inherited from DataStream)
ReadDataFrame<R>(String, Boolean) Reads a data frame from the file.
(Inherited from DataStream)
ReadDataFrame<R, C>() Reads the data frame at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadDataFrame<R, C>(C, Boolean) Reads a data frame from the file.
(Inherited from DataStream)
ReadDataFrames(IEnumerable<String>) Reads the data frames with the specified names from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadMatrices<T> Reads matrices with the specified names from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadMatrix<T>(Boolean) Reads the two-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadMatrix<T>(String, Boolean) Reads the two-dimensional array with the specified name in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadObject() Reads an object from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadObject(String) Reads the object with the specified name from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadSymbol Reads the symbol at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadVector<T>(Boolean) Reads the one-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadVector<T>(String, Boolean) Reads the one-dimensional array with the specified name in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ReadVectors<T> Reads vectors with the specified names from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
TryReadObject Attempts to read an object from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
TryReadSymbol Attempts to read a named object from the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
TryReadSymbolCore Attempts to read a named object from the data stream.
(Overrides CompositeDataStream<TObject>.TryReadSymbolCore(KeyValuePair<String, TObject>))
Write(IDictionary<String, TObject>) Writes all objects to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Dictionary<String, Matrix<T>>) Writes matrices with the specified names to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Dictionary<String, Vector<T>>) Writes all vectors with the specified element type to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Matrix<T>) Writes the two-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Matrix<T>) Writes the two-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from DataStream)
Write<T>(Matrix<T>) Writes the two-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from DataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Vector<T>) Writes the one-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Vector<T>) Writes the one-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from DataStream)
Write<T>(Vector<T>) Writes the one-dimensional array at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from DataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(IEnumerable<Matrix<T>>, IEnumerable<String>) Writes matrices with the specified names to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(IEnumerable<Vector<T>>, IEnumerable<String>) Writes vectors with the specified names to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Matrix<T>, String) Writes the two-dimensional array with the specified name to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<T>(Vector<T>, String) Writes the one-dimensional array with the specified name to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>) Writes the data frame at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>) Writes the data frame at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from DataStream)
Write<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>) Writes the data frame at the current position in the file.
(Inherited from DataStream<TObject>)
Write<R, C>(Dictionary<String, DataFrame<R, C>>) Writes the specified data frames to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<R, C>(DataFrame<R, C>, String) Writes the data frame with the specified name to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
Write<R, C>(IEnumerable<DataFrame<R, C>>, IEnumerable<String>) Writes the specified data frames to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
WriteObject Writes an object to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
WriteSymbol Writes the specified object to the data stream.
(Inherited from CompositeDataStream<TObject>)
WriteSymbolCore Writes the specified object to the data stream.
(Overrides CompositeDataStream<TObject>.WriteSymbolCore(TObject, String))

See Also