BigFloat.SinCos Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

SinCos(BigFloat) Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle.
SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal) Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal, RoundingMode) Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
SinCos(BigFloat, BigFloat, BigFloat) Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle.
SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal, BigFloat, BigFloat) Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal, RoundingMode, BigFloat, BigFloat) Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.


Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle.
public static (BigFloat , BigFloat ) SinCos(
	BigFloat angle


angle  BigFloat
A BigFloat value that specifies the angle in radians.

Return Value

ValueTuple<BigFloat, BigFloat>
A tuple consisting of the sine and cosine of angle.


The results have the same relative accuracy as the absolute accuracy of angle.


ArgumentNullExceptionangle is null.

SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal)

Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
public static (BigFloat , BigFloat ) SinCos(
	BigFloat angle,
	AccuracyGoal accuracyGoal


angle  BigFloat
A BigFloat value that specifies the angle in radians.
accuracyGoal  AccuracyGoal
An AccuracyGoal value that specifies the desired accuracy of the result.

Return Value

ValueTuple<BigFloat, BigFloat>
A tuple consisting of the sine and cosine of angle.


ArgumentNullExceptionangle is null.

SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal, RoundingMode)

Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
public static (BigFloat , BigFloat ) SinCos(
	BigFloat angle,
	AccuracyGoal accuracyGoal,
	RoundingMode roundingMode


angle  BigFloat
A BigFloat value that specifies the angle in radians.
accuracyGoal  AccuracyGoal
An AccuracyGoal value that specifies the desired accuracy of the result.
roundingMode  RoundingMode
A RoundingMode value that specifies how the result should be rounded.

Return Value

ValueTuple<BigFloat, BigFloat>
A tuple consisting of the sine and cosine of angle.


ArgumentNullExceptionangle is null.

SinCos(BigFloat, BigFloat, BigFloat)

Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle.
public static void SinCos(
	BigFloat angle,
	out BigFloat sin,
	out BigFloat cos


angle  BigFloat
A BigFloat value that specifies the angle in radians.
sin  BigFloat
On exit, the sine of angle.
cos  BigFloat
On exit, the cosine of angle.


The result has the same relative accuracy as the absolute accuracy of angle.


ArgumentNullExceptionangle is null.

SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal, BigFloat, BigFloat)

Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
public static void SinCos(
	BigFloat angle,
	AccuracyGoal accuracyGoal,
	out BigFloat sin,
	out BigFloat cos


angle  BigFloat
A BigFloat value that specifies the angle in radians.
accuracyGoal  AccuracyGoal
An AccuracyGoal value that specifies the desired accuracy of the result.
sin  BigFloat
On exit, the sine of angle.
cos  BigFloat
On exit, the cosine of angle.


ArgumentNullExceptionangle is null.

SinCos(BigFloat, AccuracyGoal, RoundingMode, BigFloat, BigFloat)

Calculates the sine and the cosine of an angle with the specified accuracy.
public static void SinCos(
	BigFloat angle,
	AccuracyGoal accuracyGoal,
	RoundingMode roundingMode,
	out BigFloat sin,
	out BigFloat cos


angle  BigFloat
A BigFloat value that specifies the angle in radians.
accuracyGoal  AccuracyGoal
An AccuracyGoal value that specifies the desired accuracy of the result.
roundingMode  RoundingMode
A RoundingMode value that specifies how the result should be rounded.
sin  BigFloat
On exit, the sine of angle.
cos  BigFloat
On exit, the cosine of angle.


ArgumentNullExceptionangle is null.

See Also