RandomExtensions Methods


CorrelatedSamples Generates a series of random variables with the specified correlation matrix.
Fill(Random, Vector<Double>, ContinuousDistribution) Fills a vector with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Vector<Double>, DiscreteDistribution) Fills a vector with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Double[], ContinuousDistribution) Fills a Double array with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Int32[], DiscreteDistribution) Fills an Int32 array with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Double[], Int32, Int32) Fills a Double array with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Int32[], Int32, Int32) Fills an Int32 array with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Double[], Int32, Int32, ContinuousDistribution) Fills a Double array with random samples from the specified distribution.
Fill(Random, Int32[], Int32, Int32, DiscreteDistribution) Fills an Int32 array with random samples from the specified distribution.
Next Returns a sample from the specified distribution.
NextDouble Returns a sample from the specified distribution.

See Also