SimpleRegressionKind Enumeration

Enumerates the different kinds of regression between two variables.


Namespace: Extreme.Statistics
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public enum SimpleRegressionKind


Linear0 The dependent variable depends linearly on the independent variable: Y = a X + b. This is the default.
Logarithmic1 The dependent variable depends linearly on the logarithm of the independent variable: Y = a log X + b
Inverse2 The dependent variable depends linearly on the inverse (reciprocal) of the independent variable: Y = a / x + b.
Exponential3 The logarithm of the dependent variable depends linearly on the independent variable: Y = a * bX.
Power4 The logarithm of the dependent variable depends linearly on the logarithm of the independent variable: Y = a * Xb.

See Also