ARIMA Models in C# QuickStart Sample

Illustrates how to work with ARIMA time series models using classes in the Numerics.NET.Statistics.TimeSeriesAnalysis namespace in C#.

View this sample in: Visual Basic F# IronPython

using System;

using Numerics.NET;
using Numerics.NET.Statistics;
using Numerics.NET.Statistics.TimeSeriesAnalysis;

namespace Numerics.NET.QuickStart.CSharp {
    /// <summary>
    /// Illustrates the use of the ArimaModel class to perform
    /// estimation and forecasting of ARIMA time series models..
    /// </summary>
    class ArimaModels {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // The license is verified at runtime. We're using
            // a 30 day trial key here. For more information, see

            // This QuickStart Sample fits an ARMA(2,1) model and
            // an ARIMA(0,1,1) model to sunspot data.

            // The time series data is stored in a numerical variable:
            var sunspots = Vector.Create(new double[] {
                100.8, 81.6, 66.5, 34.8, 30.6, 7, 19.8, 92.5,
                154.4, 125.9, 84.8, 68.1, 38.5, 22.8, 10.2, 24.1, 82.9,
                132, 130.9, 118.1, 89.9, 66.6, 60, 46.9, 41, 21.3, 16,
                6.4, 4.1, 6.8, 14.5, 34, 45, 43.1, 47.5, 42.2, 28.1, 10.1,
                8.1, 2.5, 0, 1.4, 5, 12.2, 13.9, 35.4, 45.8, 41.1, 30.4,
                23.9, 15.7, 6.6, 4, 1.8, 8.5, 16.6, 36.3, 49.7, 62.5, 67,
                71, 47.8, 27.5, 8.5, 13.2, 56.9, 121.5, 138.3, 103.2,
                85.8, 63.2, 36.8, 24.2, 10.7, 15, 40.1, 61.5, 98.5, 124.3,
                95.9, 66.5, 64.5, 54.2, 39, 20.6, 6.7, 4.3, 22.8, 54.8,
                93.8, 95.7, 77.2, 59.1, 44, 47, 30.5, 16.3, 7.3, 37.3,

            // ARMA models (no differencing) are constructed from
            // the variable containing the time series data, and the
            // AR and MA orders. The following constructs an ARMA(2,1)
            // model:
            ArimaModel model = new ArimaModel(sunspots, 2, 1);

            // The Fit methods fits the model.

            // The model's Parameters collection contains the fitted values.
            // For an ARIMA(p,d,q) model, the first p parameters are the 
            // auto-regressive parameters. The last q parametere are the
            // moving average parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("Variable              Value    Std.Error  t-stat  p-Value");
            foreach (var parameter in model.Parameters)
                // Parameter objects have the following properties:
                Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}{1,10:F5}{2,10:F5}{3,8:F2} {4,7:F4}",
                    // Name, usually the name of the variable:
                    // Estimated value of the parameter:
                    // Standard error:
                    // The value of the t statistic for the hypothesis that the parameter
                    // is zero.
                    // Probability corresponding to the t statistic.

            // The log-likelihood of the computed solution is also available:
            Console.WriteLine($"Log-likelihood: {model.LogLikelihood:F4}");
            // as is the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC):
            Console.WriteLine($"AIC: {model.GetAkaikeInformationCriterion():F4}");
            // and the Baysian Information Criterion (BIC):
            Console.WriteLine($"BIC: {model.GetBayesianInformationCriterion():F4}");

            // The Forecast method can be used to predict the next value in the series...
            double nextValue = model.Forecast();
            Console.WriteLine($"One step ahead forecast: {nextValue:F3}");

            // or to predict a specified number of values:
            var nextValues = model.Forecast(5);
            Console.WriteLine($"First five forecasts: {nextValues:F3}");

            // An integrated model (with differencing) is constructed
            // by supplying the degree of differencing. Note the order
            // of the orders is the traditional one for an ARIMA(p,d,q)
            // model (p, d, q).
            // The following constructs an ARIMA(0,1,1) model:
            ArimaModel model2 = new ArimaModel(sunspots, 0, 1, 1);

            // By default, the mean is assumed to be zero for an integrated model.
            // We can override this by setting the EstimateMean property to true:
            model2.EstimateMean = true;

            // The Compute methods fits the model.


            // The mean shows up as one of the parameters.
            Console.WriteLine("Variable              Value    Std.Error  t-stat  p-Value");
            foreach (var parameter in model2.Parameters)
                Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}{1,10:F5}{2,10:F5}{3,8:F2} {4,7:F4}",

            // We can also get the error variance:
            Console.WriteLine($"Error variance: {model2.ErrorVariance:F4}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Log-likelihood: {model2.LogLikelihood:F4}");
            Console.WriteLine($"AIC: {model2.GetAkaikeInformationCriterion():F4}");
            Console.WriteLine($"BIC: {model2.GetBayesianInformationCriterion():F4}");
            Console.Write("Press any key to exit.");