Newton-Raphson Equation Solver in F# QuickStart Sample

Illustrates the use of the NewtonRaphsonSolver class for solving equations in one variable and related functions for numerical differentiation in F#.

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// Illustrates the use of the Newton-Raphson equation solver 
// in the Numerics.NET.EquationSolvers namespace of Numerics.NET.


open System

// The NewtonRaphsonSolver class resides in the 
// Numerics.NET.EquationSolvers namespace.
open Numerics.NET.EquationSolvers
// Function delegates reside in the Numerics.NET
// namespace.
open Numerics.NET

// The license is verified at runtime. We're using a 30 day trial key here.
// For more information, see:
let licensed = Numerics.NET.License.Verify("64542-18980-57619-62268")

// The Newton-Raphson solver is used to solve 
// non-linear equations in one variable.
// The algorithm starts with one starting value,
// and uses the target function and its derivative
// to iteratively find a closer approximation to
// the root of the target function.
// The properties and methods that give you control
// over the iteration are shared by all classes
// that implement iterative algorithms.

// Target function
// The function we are trying to solve must be
// provided as a Func<double, double>. 

// Now let's create the NewtonRaphsonSolver object.
let solver = NewtonRaphsonSolver()
// Set the target function and its derivative:
solver.TargetFunction <- Func<_,_> Math.Sin
solver.DerivativeOfTargetFunction <- Func<_,_> Math.Cos
// Set the initial guess:
solver.InitialGuess <- 4.0
// These values can also be passed in a constructor:
let solver2 = NewtonRaphsonSolver(Func<_,_> Math.Sin, Func<_,_> Math.Cos, 4.0)

printfn "Newton-Raphson Solver: sin(x) = 0"
printfn "  Initial guess: 4"
let result = solver.Solve()
// The Status property indicates
// the result of running the algorithm.
printfn "  Result: %A" solver.Status
// The result is also available through the
// Result property.
printfn "  Solution: %A" solver.Result
// You can find out the estimated error of the result
// through the EstimatedError property:
printfn "  Estimated error: %A" solver.EstimatedError
printfn "  # iterations: %d" solver.IterationsNeeded

// When you don't have the derivative...
// You can still use this class if you don't have
// the derivative of the target function. In this
// case, use the static CreateDelegate method of the
// FunctionMath class (Numerics.NET.Calculus
// namespace) to create a Func<double, double>
// that represents the numerical derivative of the
// target function:
solver.TargetFunction <- Func<_,_> Special.BesselJ0
solver.DerivativeOfTargetFunction <- (Func<_,_> Special.BesselJ0).GetNumericalDifferentiator()
solver.InitialGuess <- 5.0
printfn "Zero of Bessel function near x=5:"
let result2 = solver.Solve()
printfn "  Result: %A" solver.Status
printfn "  Solution: %A" solver.Result
printfn "  Estimated error: %A" solver.EstimatedError
printfn "  # iterations: %d" solver.IterationsNeeded

// Controlling the process
printfn "Same with modified parameters:"
// You can set the maximum # of iterations:
// If the solution cannot be found in time, the
// Status will return a value of
// IterationStatus.IterationLimitExceeded
solver.MaxIterations <- 10
// You can specify how convergence is to be tested
// through the ConvergenceCriterion property:
solver.ConvergenceCriterion <- ConvergenceCriterion.WithinRelativeTolerance
// And, of course, you can set the absolute or
// relative tolerance.
solver.RelativeTolerance <- 1e-14
// In this example, the absolute tolerance will be 
// ignored.
solver.AbsoluteTolerance <- 1e-4
solver.InitialGuess <- 5.0
let result3 = solver.Solve()
printfn "  Result: %A" solver.Status
printfn "  Solution: %A" solver.Result
// The estimated error will be less than 5e-14
printfn "  Estimated error: %A" solver.EstimatedError
printfn "  # iterations: %d" solver.IterationsNeeded

printf "Press Enter key to exit..."
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore