Numerics.NET.EquationSolvers Namespace

The Numerics.NET.EquationSolvers namespace contains classes that solve nonlinear equations and systems of nonlinear equations.


BisectionSolver Represents a EquationSolver that uses the bisection algorithm.
DekkerBrentSolver Represents a root finder that uses Dekker and Brent's algorithm.
DoglegSystemSolver Represents an algorithm that solves a system of nonlinear equations using Powell's dogleg method.
EquationSolver Serves as an abstract base class for root finders.
EquationSystemSolver Serves as an abstract base class for classes that solve systems of non-linear equations.
HalleySolver Represents a root finder based on Halley's algorithm.
NewtonRaphsonSolver Represents a root finder based on the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
NewtonRaphsonSystemSolver Represents a root finder based on the Newton-Raphson algorithm.
RegulaFalsiSolver Represents a root finder that uses a modified regula falsi or false position algorithm.
RobustSolver Represents a root finder that uses an algorithm by Alefeld, Potra, and Shi.
RootBracketingSolver Represents the abstract base class for root finders for real functions of one variable that use root bracketing.