Basic Tensors in Visual Basic QuickStart Sample

Illustrates the basic use of the Tensor class for working with tensors in Visual Basic.

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Option Infer On

' Tensor classes reside in the Numerics.NET.Tensors
' namespace.
Imports Numerics.NET.Tensors

' Illustrates the use of the Tensor class in the 
' Numerics.NET namespace of Numerics.NET.
Module BasicTensors

    Sub Main()
        ' The license is verified at runtime. We're Imports
        ' a 30 day trial key here. For more information, see
        '     https:'

        ' Constructing tensors

        ' The simplest tensor is a scalar. It has no dimensions.
        ' It is created Imports the CreateScalar method:
        Dim s = Tensor.CreateScalar(5.0)
        Console.WriteLine($"s.IsScalar = {s.IsScalar}")

        ' To create tensors with 1 or more dimensions, there are many options,
        ' including:

        ' Option #1: Create an empty tensor.
        ' The element type must be specified as a generic
        ' type parameter. The dimensions are specified
        ' as itnegers. The following constructs a tensor 
        ' with 3 rows and 5 columns:
        Dim t1 = Tensor.Create(Of Double)(3, 5)
        Console.WriteLine($"t1 = {t1}")

        ' Option #2: specify an array of rank up to 4. 
        ' By default, elements are taken in C# order.
        ' Therefore, the following creates a tensor
        ' with 4 rows and 3 columns:
        Dim elements2D As Double(,) =
                { 1, 2, 3 },
                { 2, 3, 4 },
                { 3, 4, 5 },
                { 4, 5, 6 }
        Dim t2 = Tensor.CreateFromArray(elements2D)
        Console.WriteLine($"t2 = {t2}")

        ' Option #3: Cast an array to a tensor.
        Dim t3 = CType(elements2D, Tensor(Of Double))
        Console.WriteLine($"t3 = {t3}")

        ' Option #4: Specify an array of elements, and
        ' a tuple with the dimensions. The elements are listed
        ' in C# style order (last index changes fastest).
        ' The following tensor is identical to t2:
        Dim elements As Double() =
            1, 2, 3,
            2, 3, 4,
            3, 4, 5,
            4, 5, 6
        Dim shape = New TensorShape(4, 3)
        Dim t4 = Tensor.CreateFromArray(elements, shape)
        Console.WriteLine($"t4 = {t4}")

        ' Option #5: same as above, but use a memory block
        ' to store the elements. This can be both managed
        ' or unmanaged memory. The following tensor is
        ' identical to t3:
        Dim t5 = Tensor.CreateFromMemory(elements.AsMemory(), (4, 3), createView:=True)
        Console.WriteLine($"t5 = {t5}")

        ' Option #6: Create a tensor from a function.
        ' Specify the dimensions and a function that
        ' returns the value of each element:
        Dim t6 = Tensor.CreateFromFunction((10, 10), Function (i, j) 1.0 / (1.0 + i + j))
        Console.WriteLine($"t6 = {t6:F5}")

        ' Option #7-9: Create a range of values:
        Dim t7 = Tensor.CreateRange(10)
        ' t7 -> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
        Dim t8 = Tensor.CreateGeometricRange(1.0, 1000.0, 4)
        ' t8 -> [ 1, 10, 100, 1000 ]
        Dim t9 = Tensor.CreateLogarithmicRange(0.0, 3.0, 4)
        ' t9 -> [ 1, 10, 100, 1000 ]

        ' Option #10-11: Create a tensor with random elements:
        Dim t10 = Tensor.CreateRandom((10, 10))
        Dim t11 = Tensor.CreateRandomNormal((5, 7, 18), new System.Random(17))

        ' Tensor properties

        ' The Rank property gives the rank or
        ' number of dimensions of the tensor:
        Console.WriteLine($"t1.Rank = {t1.Rank}")

        ' The Shape property gives the number of elements
        ' along each dimension:
        Console.WriteLine($"t1.Shape = {t1.Shape}")
        Console.WriteLine($"t1 has {t1.Shape(0)} rows and {t1.Shape(1)} columns.")

        ' The FlattenedLength property gives the total number of
        ' elements in the tensor:
        Console.WriteLine($"t1.Length = {t1.FlattenedLength}")
#End If

        ' The Storage property gives access to the underlying
        ' storage of the tensor. This is a read-only property.
        ' The storage is a memory block that contains
        ' the elements of the tensor in the order specified by
        ' the Layout property.
        Dim t1Memory = t1.Storage
        Console.WriteLine($"t1.Storage = t1.Storage}")
        Dim t1Layout = t1.Layout

        ' The Layout gives the strides between elements
        ' along each axis in the tensor:
        Console.WriteLine($"t1 strides along axis 0: {t1Layout(0)}")
        Console.WriteLine($"t1 strides along axis 1: {t1Layout(1)}")

        Console.Write("Press Enter key to exit...")
    End Sub
End Module