Non-central Beta Distribution

The non-central Beta distribution is a generalization of the Beta distribution. It is characterized by two shape parameters, α and β, and a non-centrality parameter. It is also known as the non-central Beta prime distribution.


The non-central Beta distribution has shape parameters α, β > 0 and non-centrality parameter λ ≥ 0. Its probability density function (PDF) is:


The cumulative distribution function (CDF) can be expressed as an infinite series:


where Ix(a,b) is the regularized incomplete beta function and x[0,1].


The non-central Beta distribution finds extensive applications across multiple scientific and engineering disciplines.

  • In Bayesian statistics, the distribution serves as a posterior distribution for probability parameters when analyzing binomial data with prior information.

  • Quality control processes utilize this distribution to model the variation in manufacturing tolerances when there is a systematic bias present.

  • Reliability engineers employ the non-central Beta distribution to analyze system lifetime data where component failures follow non-symmetric patterns.

  • In clinical trials, researchers use this distribution to model the success rates of treatments when there are underlying systematic effects.


Statistical Properties
ModeNo closed form

Notable properties include:

  • The distribution is supported on the interval [0,1].

  • Higher moments involve confluent hypergeometric functions.

  • The distribution is not symmetric unless α = β and λ = 0.

Relationships to Other Distributions

Several special cases exist for specific parameter values:

The NonCentralBetaDistribution Class

The non-central Beta distribution is implemented by the NonCentralBetaDistribution class. It has one constructor that takes three arguments: the two shape parameters, α and β, followed by the non-centrality parameter. The following constructs a non-central Beta distribution with α = 1.5, β = 0.8, and non-centrality parameter 2:

var ncBeta1 = new NonCentralBetaDistribution(1.5, 0.8, 2.0);

The NonCentralBetaDistribution class has three specific properties that correspond to the parameters of the distribution. The Alpha and Beta properties return the shape parameters, α and β. The NonCentralityParameter property returns the non-centrality parameter.


  • Wikipedia: Noncentral Beta Distribution
  • MathWorld: Noncentral Beta Distribution

See Also