TextOptionsExtensions Class

Contains extension methods for creating modified text options objects.


Namespace: Extreme.Data
Assembly: Extreme.Data (in Extreme.Data.dll) Version: 3.2.0
public static class TextOptionsExtensions
Object  →  TextOptionsExtensions


WithColumnHeaders<T> Returns an options object with the ColumnHeaders property changed to the specified value.
WithDecimalType<T> Returns an options object with the DecimalType property changed to the specified value.
WithFormatProvider<T> Returns an options object with the FormatProvider property changed to the specified value.
WithInferenceRows<T> Returns an options object with the InferenceRows property changed to the specified value.
WithRowHeaders<T> Returns an options object with the RowHeaders property changed to the specified value.
WithStartRow<T> Returns an options object with the StartRow property changed to the specified value.

See Also