OneDimensionalOptimizer.FindMinimum Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Optimization
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

FindMinimum(Func<Double, Double>, Double) Computes a minimum of the specified function.
FindMinimum(Func<Double, Double>, Double, Double) Computes a minimum of the specified function.

FindMinimum(Func<Double, Double>, Double)

Computes a minimum of the specified function.
public double FindMinimum(
	Func<double, double> objectiveFunction,
	double initialGuess


objectiveFunction  Func<Double, Double>
A delegate that represents a function of one variable that specifies the objective function.
initialGuess  Double
An initial guess for the minimum.

Return Value

A local minimum of objectiveFunction.


ConvergenceExceptionThe algorithm failed to converge and ThrowExceptionOnFailure is set to true.

FindMinimum(Func<Double, Double>, Double, Double)

Computes a minimum of the specified function.
public double FindMinimum(
	Func<double, double> objectiveFunction,
	double lowerBound,
	double upperBound


objectiveFunction  Func<Double, Double>
A delegate that represents a function of one variable that specifies the objective function.
lowerBound  Double
The lower bound of the interval where a minimum is to be located.
upperBound  Double
The upper bound of the interval where a minimum is to be located.

Return Value

A local minimum of objectiveFunction.


ConvergenceExceptionThe algorithm failed to converge and ThrowExceptionOnFailure is set to true.

See Also