OneDimensionalOptimizer Properties


ConvergenceTests Gets the collection of convergence tests for the algorithm.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
DerivativeOfObjectiveFunction Gets or sets the derivative of the objective function.
EstimatedError Gets a value indicating the size of the absolute error of the result.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
EvaluationsNeeded Gets the number of evaluations needed to execute the algorithm.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
EvaluationsRemaining Gets the number of evaluations still available.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
Extremum Gets the approximation to the extremum after the algorithm has run.
ExtremumType Gets or sets the type of extremum.
HasSharedDegreeOfParallelism Indicates whether the degree of parallelism is a property that is shared across instances.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
IsBracketValid Gets whether the algorithm's current bracket is valid.
IterationsNeeded Gets the number of iterations needed by the algorithm to reach the desired accuracy.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
IterationsRemaining Gets the number of iterations remaining.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
MaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets or sets the maximum degree of parallelism enabled by this instance.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
MaxEvaluations Gets or sets the maximum number of evaluations during the calculation.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
MaxIterationsGets or sets the maximum number of iterations to use when approximating the roots of the target function.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
MinIterations Gets or sets the minimum iterations that have to be performed.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
ObjectiveFunction Gets or sets the objective function.
ObjectiveFunctionWithDerivative Gets or sets a function that computes the value of the objective function and its derivative.
ParallelOptions Gets or sets the configuration for the parallel behavior of the algorithm.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
Result Gets the result of an algorithm after it has executed.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
SolutionReport Gets the result of an algorithm after it has executed.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
SolutionTest Gets the convergence test that uses the solution of the optimization.
Status Gets the AlgorithmStatus following an execution of the algorithm.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
SymbolicObjectiveFunction Gets or sets the objective function.
ThrowExceptionOnFailure Gets or sets a value indicating whether to throw an exception when the algorithm fails to converge.
(Inherited from ManagedIterativeAlgorithm<T, TError, TReport>)
ValueAtExtremum Gets the value of the objective function at the approximation to the extremum after the algorithm has run.

See Also