ArraySlice<T> Structure

Represents a slice of elements in a one-dimensional array.


Namespace: Extreme.Collections
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public struct ArraySlice<T>
Object  →  ValueType  →  ArraySlice<T>

Type Parameters

The element type of the array.


ArraySlice<T>(T[]) Constructs a new array stride with zero offset and unit stride.
ArraySlice<T>(Int32) Constructs a new array slice.
ArraySlice<T>(T[], Int32) Constructs a new array slice with unit stride.
ArraySlice<T>(Int32, Boolean) Constructs a new array slice.
ArraySlice<T>(T[], Int32, Int32) Constructs a new array.


Item Gets or sets the element at the specified position.
Offset Gets the offset of the first element in the storage array.
Stride Gets the step between successive elements in the storage array.
Values Gets the storage array.


AsArray1D Returns the array as a linear array with offset.
AsArray2D Constructs a 2D array with the specified leading dimension.
AsBlasStorage Returns the array in a format suitable for calling methods using the BLAS convention.
BlasOffset Returns the offset according to the BLAS convention for negative strides.
Decrement Returns an array slice that starts at the element before the first element of the array slice.
Equals Checks if an object is equal to this instance.
(Overrides ValueType.Equals(Object))
From(Int32) Returns an array slice starting at the specified index.
From(Int32, Int32) Returns an array slice starting at the specified index.
GetHashCode Gets a hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueType.GetHashCode())
GetIndex Gets the index in the storage array of the element at the specified position.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Increment() Returns an array slice that starts at the second element of the array slice.
Increment(Int32) Returns an array slice that skips the specified number of elements of the array slice.
ToArray Returns the elements of the array slice in an array.
ToStringReturns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType)


Addition(ArraySlice<T>, Int32) Returns an array slice starting at the specified index.
Decrement(ArraySlice<T>) Returns an array slice starting just before the first element in the slice.
Equality(ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>) Checks whether two array slices are equal.
Implicit(T[] to ArraySlice<T>) Implicitly converts a .NET array to an array slice.
Increment(ArraySlice<T>) Returns an array slice starting from the second element in the slice.
Inequality(ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>) Checks whether two array slices are not equal.


Empty Returns an array slice with no elements.

See Also