DataObjectJsonConverter.ReadJson Method


Namespace: Extreme.Data.Json
Assembly: Extreme.Data.Json (in Extreme.Data.Json.dll) Version: 3.1.1

Overload List

ReadJson(JsonReader, Type, Object, JsonSerializer) Deserializes an object from JSON format.
ReadJson(JsonReader, Type, Object, JsonSerializer) 

ReadJson(JsonReader, Type, Object, JsonSerializer)

Deserializes an object from JSON format.
public virtual Object ReadJson(
	JsonReader reader,
	Type objectType,
	Object existingValue,
	JsonSerializer serializer


reader  JsonReader
The reader that contains the JSON.
objectType  Type
The type of the object to deserialize.
existingValue  Object
The pre-existing value of the object. Not used.
serializer  JsonSerializer
The JSON serializer to use for the deserialization.

Return Value


See Also