ConvergenceTestCollection<T> Properties


AbsoluteTolerance Gets or sets the absolute tolerance used in the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
ConvergenceCriterion Gets or sets a value specifying the criterion that is to be used in the convergence test for the algorithm.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Count Gets the number of tests in the ConvergenceTestCollection<T>
Enabled Gets or sets whether a ConvergenceTest<T> is enabled.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Error Gets the estimated error associated with the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the ConvergenceTestCollection<T> is read-only.
Quantifier Gets or sets a value that indicates how the tests in the collection are to be combined.
RelativeTolerance Gets or sets the relative tolerance used in the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
RequiredSuccessivePasses Gets or sets a value that indicates the number of times the test criteria must be fulfilled before the test is considered successful.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
RunBeforeIteration Gets or sets whether the convergence test should be run before the first actual iteration.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Tolerance Gets or sets the tolerance used in the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)

See Also