VectorConvergenceTest<T> Properties


AbsoluteTolerance Gets or sets the absolute tolerance used in the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
ConvergenceCriterion Gets or sets a value specifying the criterion that is to be used in the convergence test for the algorithm.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Enabled Gets or sets whether a ConvergenceTest<T> is enabled.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Error Gets the estimated error associated with the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
ErrorEvaluator Gets or sets a delegate that evaluates the error estimate.
(Inherited from SimpleConvergenceTest<T>)
ErrorMeasure Gets or sets whether the error should be calculated using the vector components, or using the vector norm.
ErrorVector Gets or sets the vector that contains the error value.
Norm Gets or sets a value that indicates which vector norm is to be used to evaluate the error.
RelativeTolerance Gets or sets the relative tolerance used in the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
RequiredSuccessivePasses Gets or sets a value that indicates the number of times the test criteria must be fulfilled before the test is considered successful.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
RunBeforeIteration Gets or sets whether the convergence test should be run before the first actual iteration.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Tolerance Gets or sets the tolerance used in the convergence test.
(Inherited from ConvergenceTest<T>)
Value Gets the value used in the computation of the relative error.
(Inherited from SimpleConvergenceTest<T>)
ValueEvaluator Gets or sets a delegate that evaluates the value.
(Inherited from SimpleConvergenceTest<T>)
ValueVector Gets or sets the vector used to calculate the relative error.

See Also