IVectorSpaceOperations<TScalar, TVector> Interface

Represents the contract for the scalar multiplication on a vector space.


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Generic
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public interface IVectorSpaceOperations<TScalar, TVector> : IGroupOperations<TVector>, 
	IComparer<TVector>, IEqualityComparer<TVector>
IGroupOperations<TVector>, IComparer<TVector>, IEqualityComparer<TVector>

Type Parameters

The type of the scalars.
The type of the vectors.


MaxValue Gets the largest possible value of the operand type.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
MinValue Gets the smallest possible value of the operand type.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Zero Gets the value of zero for the operand type T.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)


Abs Returns the absolute value of a value.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Add Adds one value to another.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
CompareCompares two objects and returns a value indicating whether one is less than, equal to, or greater than the other.
(Inherited from IComparer<TVector>)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified objects are equal.
(Inherited from IEqualityComparer<TVector>)
GetHashCodeReturns a hash code for the specified object.
(Inherited from IEqualityComparer<TVector>)
Multiply Multiplies a vector by a scalar.
Negate Negates a value.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)
Subtract Subtracts one value from another.
(Inherited from IGroupOperations<T>)

Extension Methods

Max<TVector> Returns the larger of two numbers.
(Defined by GenericExtensions)
Max<TVector> Returns the largest of three numbers.
(Defined by GenericExtensions)
Min<TVector> Returns the smaller of two numbers.
(Defined by GenericExtensions)
Min<TVector> Returns the smallest of three numbers.
(Defined by GenericExtensions)

See Also