ISparseLinearAlgebraOperations<T> Methods


DotProduct Returns the dot product of a sparse and a dense vector.
Gather Gathers specific elements of a dense vector into a sparse vector.
GatherAndZero Gathers specific elements of a dense vector into a sparse vector and zeros the original components.
MultiplyAndAddInPlace(TransposeOperation, Int32, Int32, T, MatrixStructure, MatrixTriangle, MatrixDiagonal, T[], Int32[], Int32[], Int32[], ArraySlice<T>, T, ArraySlice<T>) Multiplies a dense vector by a sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format.
MultiplyAndAddInPlace(TransposeOperation, Int32, Int32, Int32, T, MatrixStructure, MatrixTriangle, MatrixDiagonal, T[], Int32[], Int32[], Int32[], Array2D<T>, T, Array2D<T>) Multiplies a dense matrix by a sparse matrix in Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) format.
ScaleAndAddInPlace Evaluates a vector plus the product of a scalar and a sparse vector.
Scatter Copies the nonzero components of a sparse vector into the corresponding components of a dense vector.
TriangularSolve Solves for a dense vector for a sparse matrix in compressed sparse column format.

See Also