ManagedArrayFunctionsOfSingle Methods


Abs Computes the absolute value of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Abs(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Acos Computes the inverse cosine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Acos(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Acosh Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Acosh(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Add Adds a value to each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Add(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, T, ArraySlice<T>))
Asin Computes the inverse sine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Asin(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Asinh Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Asinh(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Atan Computes the inverse tangent of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Atan(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Atan2 Computes the four-quadrant inverse tangent of each pair of corresponding elements of two arrays.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Atan2(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Atanh Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Atanh(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Ceiling Computes the smallest integer greather than or equal to each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Ceiling(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Cos Computes the cosine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Cos(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Cosh Computes the hyperbolic cosine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Cosh(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Divide(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>, ArraySlice<Single>, ArraySlice<Single>) Divides each element of an array by the corresponding element in another array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Divide(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Divide(Int32, Single, ArraySlice<Single>, ArraySlice<Single>) Divides a number by each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Divide(Int32, T, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Exp Computes the exponential of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Exp(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Floor Computes the largest integer less than or equal to each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Floor(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Hypot Computes the square root of the sum of the squared corresponding elements of two matrices.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Hypot(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Log Computes the natural logarithm of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Log(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Max(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>) Computes the maximum of all elements in the array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Max(Int32, ArraySlice<T>))
Max(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>, Single, ArraySlice<Single>) Computes the maximum of a number and each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Max(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, T, ArraySlice<T>))
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Min(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>) Computes the minimum of all elements in the array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Min(Int32, ArraySlice<T>))
Min(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>, Single, ArraySlice<Single>) Computes the minimum of a number and each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Min(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, T, ArraySlice<T>))
Multiply Multiplies each element of an array by the corresponding element in another array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Multiply(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Pow(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>, Int32, ArraySlice<Single>) Raises each element in an array to the specified power.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Pow(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, Int32, ArraySlice<T>))
Pow(Int32, ArraySlice<Single>, Single, ArraySlice<Single>) Raises each element in an array to the specified power.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Pow(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, T, ArraySlice<T>))
SetValue Sets all elements in the array to the specified value.
(Inherited from ManagedArrayFunctions<T>)
Sin Computes the sine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Sin(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Sinh Computes the hyperbolic sine of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Sinh(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Sqrt Computes the square root of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Sqrt(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
SubtractFrom Subtracts each element of an array from a value.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.SubtractFrom(Int32, T, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Sum Computes the sum of all elements in the array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Sum(Int32, ArraySlice<T>))
Tan Computes the tangent of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Tan(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
Tanh Computes the hyperbolic tangent of each element of an array.
(Overrides ManagedArrayFunctions<T>.Tanh(Int32, ArraySlice<T>, ArraySlice<T>))
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

See Also