Matrix<T>.MapAsFirstCore Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

MapAsFirstCore<U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Matrix<U>, Matrix<V>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices.
MapAsFirstCore<U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Vector<U>, Dimension, Matrix<V>) Applies a function to the corresponding elements of a matrix and a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.

MapAsFirstCore<U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Matrix<U>, Matrix<V>)

Applies a function to the corresponding elements of two matrices.
protected virtual Matrix<V> MapAsFirstCore<U, V>(
	Func<T, U, V> function,
	Matrix<U> second,
	Matrix<V> result


function  Func<T, U, V>
A delegate that represents a function of two variables
second  Matrix<U>
A matrix whose elements serve as the second argument to the function.
result  Matrix<V>
The matrix that is to hold the result. May be null.

Type Parameters


Return Value

The result of applying function to the corresponding elements of this matrix and second.


ArgumentNullExceptionfunction is null.


second is null


The dimensions of second do not equal the dimensions of this matrix.

MapAsFirstCore<U, V>(Func<T, U, V>, Vector<U>, Dimension, Matrix<V>)

Applies a function to the corresponding elements of a matrix and a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
protected virtual Matrix<V> MapAsFirstCore<U, V>(
	Func<T, U, V> function,
	Vector<U> second,
	Dimension broadcastDimension,
	Matrix<V> result


function  Func<T, U, V>
A delegate that represents a function of two variables
second  Vector<U>
A vector whose elements, broadcast in the dimension specified by broadcastDimension, serve as the second argument to the function.
broadcastDimension  Dimension
A value that specifies whether the elements in second should be broadcast across rows or columns.
result  Matrix<V>
The matrix that is to hold the result. May be null.

Type Parameters


Return Value

The result of applying function to the corresponding elements of this matrix and second.


ArgumentNullExceptionfunction is null.


second is null


The dimensions of second do not equal the dimensions of this matrix.

See Also