Matrix.ElementwiseDivideInto Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides a matrix element-wise by another matrix.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides a scalar by each element of a matrix.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of a matrix by the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>, Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of two broadcast vectors along the specified dimension.

ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>)

Divides a matrix element-wise by another matrix.
public static Matrix<T> ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(
	Matrix<T> left,
	Matrix<T> right,
	Matrix<T> result


left  Matrix<T>
A matrix.
right  Matrix<T>
A matrix.
result  Matrix<T>
The matrix that is to hold the result. May be null.

Type Parameters


Return Value

A matrix whose elements are equal to the quotient of the elements of left divided right .


ArgumentNullExceptionleft is null


right is null

DimensionMismatchException The length of left does not equal the length of right.

ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>)

Divides a scalar by each element of a matrix.
public static Matrix<T> ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(
	T left,
	Matrix<T> right,
	Matrix<T> result


left  T
A scalar.
right  Matrix<T>
A matrix.
result  Matrix<T>
The matrix that is to hold the result. May be null.

Type Parameters


Return Value

A new matrix whose elements are equal to the quotient of the elements of left divided right .



right is null

DimensionMismatchException The length of left does not equal the length of right.

ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Matrix<T>, Vector<T>, Dimension, Matrix<T>)

Divides the elements of a matrix by the elements of a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
public static Matrix<T> ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(
	Matrix<T> left,
	Vector<T> right,
	Dimension broadcastDimension,
	Matrix<T> result


left  Matrix<T>
A matrix.
right  Vector<T>
A vector.
broadcastDimension  Dimension
A value that specifies whether the elements in right should be broadcast across rows or columns.
result  Matrix<T>
The matrix that is to hold the result. May be null.

Type Parameters


Return Value

A matrix whose elements are the quotient of the corresponding elements of left and right.


ArgumentNullExceptionleft is null


right is null

DimensionMismatchExceptionleft and right do not have the same dimension.

ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(Vector<T>, Dimension, Vector<T>, Matrix<T>)

Divides the elements of two broadcast vectors along the specified dimension.
public static Matrix<T> ElementwiseDivideInto<T>(
	Vector<T> left,
	Dimension leftBroadcastDimension,
	Vector<T> right,
	Matrix<T> result


left  Vector<T>
A matrix.
leftBroadcastDimension  Dimension
A value that specifies whether the elements in left should be broadcast across rows or columns.
right  Vector<T>
A vector.
result  Matrix<T>
The matrix that is to hold the result. May be null.

Type Parameters


Return Value

A matrix whose elements are the quotient of the corresponding elements of left and right.


ArgumentNullExceptionleft is null


right is null

DimensionMismatchExceptionleft and right do not have the same dimension.

See Also