Operations<T> Methods


Abs Returns the absolute value of a number.
Add Returns the sum of two numbers.
And Returns the logical or bitwise and of two numbers.
ConvertTo<U> Converts an instance of the operand type to the specified type.
Copy Returns a copy of a number.
Divide Divides two numbers.
EqualTo Returns whether two numbers are equal.
FromInt32 Converts an integer to an instance of the operand type.
IsOne Returns whether a number equals one.
IsZero Returns whether a number equals zero.
LeftShift Shifts a value the specified number of bits to the left.
LessThan Returns if one number is less than another.
LessThanOrEqual Returns if one number is less than another.
Log10 Gets a delegate that returns the natural logarithm of a number.
Multiply Returns the product of two numbers.
Negate Reverses the sign of a number.
Not Returns the logical or bitwise complement of two numbers.
NotEqualTo Returns whether two numbers are equal.
Or Returns the logical or bitwise or of two numbers.
Pow(T, T) Gets a delegate that raises a number to the specified power.
Pow(T, Int32) Gets a delegate that raises a number to the specified power.
Reciprocal Returns the reciprocal of a number.
RightShift Shifts a value the specified number of bits to the right.
Sign Gets a delegate that returns the sign of the specified number.
Subtract Subtracts one number from another.
Xor Returns the logical or bitwise exclusive or of two numbers.

See Also