NonlinearConstraint Properties


ConstraintFunction Gets or sets the constraint function.
ConstraintFunctionAndGradient Gets or sets a delegate that evaluates the constraint value and its gradient.
ConstraintType Gets the type of row.
(Inherited from Constraint)
FastConstraintGradient Gets or sets the gradient of the constraint function.
Gradient Gets the current value of the constraint gradient.
(Inherited from Constraint)
IsLinear Gets whether the constraint is linear.
(Overrides Constraint.IsLinear)
LowerBound Gets or sets the lower bound of the variable.
(Inherited from OptimizationModelEntity)
Name Gets the name of the variable.
(Inherited from OptimizationModelEntity)
Position Gets the position of the current instance in the collection.
(Inherited from OptimizationModelEntity)
UpperBound Gets or sets the upper bound of the variable.
(Inherited from OptimizationModelEntity)
Value Gets the current value of the constraint.
(Inherited from Constraint)

See Also