NonlinearProgram Properties


Constraints Gets the collection of constraints for this OptimizationModel.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
ExtremumType Gets or sets whether a minimum or a maximum should be computed.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
InitialGuess Gets or sets an initial guess for the solution of the nonlinear program.
Name Gets or sets the name of the model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
ObjectiveAndGradient Gets or sets the gradient of the objective function of the nonlinear program.
ObjectiveFunction Gets or sets the objective function of the nonlinear program.
ObjectiveGradient Gets or sets the gradient of the objective function of the nonlinear program.
OptimalValue Gets the extreme value of the cost function.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
SolutionReport Gets an object that contains information about the solution of the model.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
Solver Gets the object used to solve the nonlinear program.
Status Gets the status of the optimization model's solution.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)
SymbolicObjectiveFunction Gets or sets the expression that evaluates the objective function.
Variables Gets the collection of variables for this OptimizationModel.
(Inherited from OptimizationModel)

See Also