WindowFunctions Methods


Bartlett Returns a Bartlett window of the specified lenght and symmetry.
Blackman(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a standard Blackman window of the specified length and symmetry.
Blackman(Int32, WindowSampling, Double) Returns a Blackman window of the specified length and symmetry.
BlackmanHarris(Int32) Returns a symmetric 4 term Blackman-Harris window of the specified length.
BlackmanHarris(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a 4 term Blackman-Harris window of the specified length and symmetry.
BlackmanNuttall(Int32) Returns a symmetric 4 term Blackman-Nuttall window of the specified length.
BlackmanNuttall(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a 4 term Blackman-Nuttall window of the specified length and symmetry.
Chebyshev(Int32, Double) Returns a Chebyshev window with the specified length and sidelobe attenuation.
Chebyshev(Int32, WindowSampling, Double) Returns a Chebyshev window with the specified length, symmetry, sidelobe attenuation.
Cosine(Int32) Returns a Cosine window of the specified length .
Cosine(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a Cosine window of the specified length and symmetry.
FlatTop(Int32) Returns a symmetric flat top window of the specified length.
FlatTop(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a flat top window of the specified length and symmetry.
Gaussian(Int32, Double) Returns a Gaussian window of the specified length.
Gaussian(Int32, Double, WindowSampling) Returns a Gaussian window of the specified length and symmetry.
Hamming(Int32) Returns a symmetric Hamming window of the specified length.
Hamming(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a Hamming window of the specified length and symmetry.
Hann(Int32) Returns a Hann window of the specified length .
Hann(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a Hann window of the specified length and symmetry.
Hanning(Int32) Returns a Hann window of the specified length .
Hanning(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a Hanning window of the specified length and symmetry.
Kaiser Returns a Kaiser-Bessel window with the specified length and shape parameter.
Lanczos(Int32) Returns a Lanczos window of the specified length .
Lanczos(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a Lanczos window of the specified length and symmetry.
ModifiedBartlettHann(Int32) Returns a symmetric modified Bartlett-Hanning window of the specified length.
ModifiedBartlettHann(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a modified Bartlett-Hanning window of the specified length and symmetry.
Nuttall(Int32) Returns a symmetric Blackman-Nuttall window of the specified length.
Nuttall(Int32, WindowSampling) Returns a Blackman-Nuttall window of the specified length and symmetry.
Rectangular Returns a rectangular window function of the specified length.
Triangular Returns a triangular window function of the specified length.
Tukey(Int32, Double) Returns a Tukey window with the specified length.
Tukey(Int32, WindowSampling, Double) Returns a Tukey window with the specified length and symmetry.

See Also