ContingencyTable Properties


ChiSquare Returns the chi-square value for the contingency table.
CoefficientOfContingency Returns the coefficient of contingency of the contingency table.
ColumnCount Gets the number of columns in the contingency table.
ColumnScale Gets the categorical scale that contains the categories corresponding to the columns in the contingency table.
CramerV Returns the Cramer V statistic for the contingency table.
Item[Int32, Int32] Gets the cell at the specified position in the contingency table.
Item[Object, Object] Gets the cell for the specified values of the categories in the contingency table.
Phi Returns the Phi coefficient for the contingency table.
RowCount Gets the number of rows in the contingency table.
RowScale Gets the categorical scale that contains the categories corresponding to the rows in the contingency table.
TotalCount Gets the total of all counts in the contingency table.

See Also