GammaDistribution Constructor


Namespace: Extreme.Statistics.Distributions
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
Constructs a new GammaDistribution.

Overload List

GammaDistribution(Double) Constructs a new standard GammaDistribution with the specified order parameter.
GammaDistribution(Vector<Double>) Estimates the parameters of the distribution of a variable assuming it follows a gamma distribution using the methodof matching moments.
GammaDistribution(Double, Double) Constructs a new GammaDistribution with the specified order and scale parameter.
GammaDistribution(Vector<Double>, EstimationMethod) Estimates the parameters of the distribution of a variable assuming it follows a gamma distribution.
GammaDistribution(Double, Double, Double) Constructs a new GammaDistribution with the specified order, scale, and location parameters.


Constructs a new standard GammaDistribution with the specified order parameter.
public GammaDistribution(
	double order


order  Double
The order of the distribution. Must be strictly greater than zero.


order must be strictly greater than zero. The location parameter of the distribution is set to zero. The scale parameter is set to 1.


ArgumentOutOfRangeException The order order is less than or equal to zero.


Estimates the parameters of the distribution of a variable assuming it follows a gamma distribution using the methodof matching moments.
public GammaDistribution(
	Vector<double> variable


variable  Vector<Double>
A vector.

Return Value

A GammaDistribution that best matches the distribution of variable.


Use this constructor to create a GammaDistribution whose parameters are estimated from variable. By default, the maximum likelihood estimate is returned, if it is available.


ArgumentNullExceptionvariable is null.

GammaDistribution(Double, Double)

Constructs a new GammaDistribution with the specified order and scale parameter.
public GammaDistribution(
	double order,
	double scale


order  Double
The order of the distribution. Must be strictly greater than zero.
scale  Double
The scale parameter. Must be strictly greater than zero.


order and scale must be strictly greater than zero. The location parameter of the distribution is set to zero.


ArgumentOutOfRangeException The order order or the scale factor scale is less than or equal to zero.

GammaDistribution(Vector<Double>, EstimationMethod)

Estimates the parameters of the distribution of a variable assuming it follows a gamma distribution.
public GammaDistribution(
	Vector<double> variable,
	EstimationMethod method


variable  Vector<Double>
A vector.
method  EstimationMethod
A EstimationMethod value that specifies the method used to estimate the distribution's parameters.

Return Value

The GammaDistribution that best matches the distribution of variable.


Use this constructor to create a GammaDistribution whose parameters are estimated from variable. By default, the maximum likelihood estimate is returned, if it is available.


ArgumentNullExceptionvariable is null.

GammaDistribution(Double, Double, Double)

Constructs a new GammaDistribution with the specified order, scale, and location parameters.
public GammaDistribution(
	double order,
	double scale,
	double location


order  Double
The order of the distribution. Must be strictly greater than zero.
scale  Double
The scale parameter. Must be strictly greater than zero.
location  Double
The location parameter.


order and scale must be strictly greater than zero.


ArgumentOutOfRangeException The order order or the scale factor scale is less than or equal to zero.

See Also