JohnsonDistribution.Kurtosis Property

Gets the kurtosis of the distribution.


Namespace: Extreme.Statistics.Distributions
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public override double Kurtosis { get; }

Property Value

The kurtosis of the distribution.


The kurtosis of a distribution is a number that indicates the sharpness of a peek in the distribution relative to the normal distribution. Positive values. indicate a sharp peak. Negative values indicate a less pronounced peak, or even a valley.

Technically, this property returns the kurtosis excess, which is the 'true' kurtosis minus 3, which is the kurtosis of the normal distribution.

For the bounded distribution SB, the kurtosis is evaluated numerically the first time the property is called.

See Also