PiecewiseDistribution Constructor

Constructs a new PiecewiseDistribution.


Namespace: Extreme.Statistics.Distributions
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public PiecewiseDistribution(
	double lowerBound,
	double upperBound,
	double[] xValues,
	double[] probabilities


lowerBound  Double
The x-value where the cumulative probability becomes nonzero.
upperBound  Double
The x-value where the cumulative probability becomes one.
xValues  Double[]
A Double array containing the interior points.
probabilities  Double[]
A Double array containing the probabilities corresponding to the xValues.


ArgumentNullExceptionxValues is null.


probabilities is null.

DimensionMismatchException The length of xValues does not equal the length of probabilities.

See Also