Filter Constructor


Namespace: Extreme.Statistics
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

Filter(Int32, Int32[]) Constructs a new Filter from an array of indexes.
Filter(Int32, Int32, Int32) Constructs a new Filter from a range of indexes.
Filter(Int32, Int32, Int32[], Boolean) Constructs a new Filter object.

Filter(Int32, Int32[])

Constructs a new Filter from an array of indexes.
public Filter(
	int length,
	int[] indexes


length  Int32
The length of the filter.
indexes  Int32[]
An integer array containing the indexes of the visible observations.


All values in indexes must be greater than or equal to zero and less than length.


ArgumentNullExceptionindexes is null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionlength is less than zero.
ArgumentException One of the elements of indexes is less than zero or greater than or equal to length.

Filter(Int32, Int32, Int32)

Constructs a new Filter from a range of indexes.
public Filter(
	int length,
	int startIndex,
	int endIndex


length  Int32
The length of the filter.
startIndex  Int32
The index of the first visible observation.
endIndex  Int32
The index of the observation past the last visible observation.


Both startIndex and endIndex must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to length. If startIndex is greater than endIndex, the filter contains no elements.


ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionlength is less than zero.


startIndex is less than zero or greater than length..


endIndex is less than zero or greater than length..

Filter(Int32, Int32, Int32[], Boolean)

Constructs a new Filter object.
public Filter(
	int length,
	int filteredLength,
	int[] indexes,
	bool reuseArray


length  Int32
The number of elements the filter applies to.
filteredLength  Int32
The number of elements in the filter.
indexes  Int32[]
The indexes of the filtered elements.
reuseArray  Boolean
Specifies whether indexes is used for internal storage.

See Also