KernelDensity Methods


Estimate(Vector<Double>, Kernel, Vector<Double>, Double, KernelDensityBandwidthEstimator, Double) Estimates the density of the input
Estimate(Vector<Double>, Kernel, Double, Double, KernelDensityBandwidthEstimator, Double) Estimates the density of the input
Estimate(Vector<Double>, Kernel, Int32, Double, Double, Double, Double, KernelDensityBandwidthEstimator, Double) Estimates the density of the input.
EstimateBandwidth Estimates the bandwidth for kernel density estimation using the specified data and method.
EstimateDistribution Estimates the probability density of the input variable.
NormalReferenceBandwidth Returns the bandwidth for kernel density estimation based on Silverman's rule.
ScottBandwidth Returns the bandwidth for kernel density estimation based on Scott's rule.
SilvermanBandwidth Returns the bandwidth for kernel density estimation based on Silverman's rule.

See Also