FactorAnalysis Properties


BaseFeatureIndex Gets an index containing the keys of the columns that are required inputs to the model.
(Inherited from Model)
Communalities Gets a vector containing the proportion of the common variance of each variable associated with the factors.
Computed Gets whether the model has been computed.
(Inherited from Model)
CumulativeVarianceExplained Gets a vector containing the variance explained by each factor.
Data Gets an object that contains all the data used as input to the model.
(Inherited from Model)
Eigenvalues Gets a vector containing the eigenvalues corresponding to the factors.
ExtractionMethod Gets or sets the method for extracting factors.
ExtractionPhaseMaxIterations Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations allowed for factor extraction.
ExtractionPhaseTolerance Gets or sets the difference in successive approximations of the communalities that signals convergence when extracting the factors.
FactorCorrelationMatrix Gets a matrix that contains the correlations between the factors.
FactorCountMethod Gets or sets a value that specifies how the number of factors is determined.
FactorScoreCoefficientMatrix Gets the matrix of factor score coefficients.
FactorScoreMethod Gets or sets the method for computing factor score coefficients.
FactorThreshold Gets or sets the threshold value for automatically determining the number of factors to be extracted.
FactorTransformationMatrix Gets the matrix that transforms the original factors to the rotated factors.
Features Gets a matrix that contains the features.
(Inherited from TransformationModel<T>)
Fitted Gets whether the model has been computed.
(Inherited from Model)
InitialCommunalities Gets a vector containing the initial values of the communalities.
InputSchema Gets the schema for the features used for fitting the model.
(Inherited from Model)
IsObliqueRotation Gets whether the factor rotation is oblique.
IsOrthogonalRotation Gets whether the factor rotation is orthogonal.
LoadingsMatrix Gets the matrix of unrotated factor loadings.
MaxDegreeOfParallelism Gets or sets the maximum degree of parallelism enabled by this instance.
(Inherited from Model)
Method Gets or sets whether the factor analysis is based on a correlation matrix or a covariance matrix.
ModelSchema Gets the collection of variables used in the model.
(Inherited from Model)
NumberOfFactors Gets or sets the number of factors to be extracted.
NumberOfObservations Gets the number of observations the model is based on.
(Inherited from Model)
ParallelOptions Gets or sets an object that specifies how the calculation of the model should be parallelized.
(Inherited from Model)
PatternMatrix Gets the matrix of contributions of each factor to the variance of each variable.
PromaxPower Gets or sets the exponent used in promax rotation.
RotatedLoadingsMatrix Gets the matrix of rotated factor loadings, the correlations between factors and variables after rotation.
RotationMethod Gets or sets the method for rotating factors.
RotationPhaseMaxIterations Gets or sets the maximum number of iterations allowed for factor rotation.
RotationPhaseTolerance Gets or sets the threshold value of the convergence measure for factor rotations.
Standardize Gets or sets whether the variables should be standardized before the clustering is computed.
Status Gets the status of the model, which determines which information is available.
(Inherited from Model)
StructureMatrix Gets the matrix of the correlations between factors and variables.
SupportsWeights Indicates whether the model supports case weights.
(Inherited from Model)
Uniqueness Gets a vector containing the proportion of the common variance of each variable not associated with the factors.
VarianceExplained Gets a vector containing the variance explained by each factor.
Weights Gets or sets the actual weights.
(Inherited from Model)

See Also