PrincipalComponentAnalysis Methods


Compute() Computes the model.
(Inherited from Model)
Compute(ParallelOptions) Computes the model.
(Inherited from Model)
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Fit() Fits the model to the data.
(Inherited from Model)
Fit(ParallelOptions) Fits the model to the data.
(Inherited from Model)
GetBrokenStickThreshold Returns the number of components to retain based on the broken stick criterion.
GetEigenvalueThreshold Returns the number of components to retain based on whether the corresponding eigenvalues are greater than the specified value.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetMahalanobisDistance Returns the Mahalanobis distance of the observations to the centroid of the observations.
GetPredictions Returns the predicted values of the variables based on the specified number of components.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetVarianceThreshold Returns the number of components needed to explain the requested proportion of the variance in the data.
InverseTransform(Matrix<Double>) Applies the inverse transformation to a set of observations.
(Inherited from TransformationModel<T>)
InverseTransform(Vector<Double>) Applies the inverse transformation to a set of observations.
(Inherited from TransformationModel<T>)
InverseTransformInto(Matrix<Double>, Matrix<Double>) Applies the inverse transformation to a set of observations.
(Overrides TransformationModel<T>.InverseTransformInto(Matrix<Double>, Matrix<Double>))
InverseTransformInto(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) Applies the inverse transformation to a set of observations.
(Overrides TransformationModel<T>.InverseTransformInto(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>))
ResetComputation Clears all fitted model parameters.
(Inherited from Model)
ResetFit Clears all fitted model parameters.
(Inherited from Model)
SetDataSource Uses the specified data frame as the source for all input variables.
(Inherited from Model)
Summarize() Returns a string containing a human-readable summary of the object using default options.
(Inherited from Model)
Summarize(SummaryOptions) Returns a string containing a human-readable summary of the object using the specified options.
(Inherited from Model)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Model)
Transform(Matrix<Double>) Applies the transformation to a set of observations.
(Inherited from TransformationModel<T>)
Transform(Vector<Double>) Applies the transformation to a single observation.
(Inherited from TransformationModel<T>)
TransformInto(Matrix<Double>, Matrix<Double>) Applies the transformation to a set of observations.
(Overrides TransformationModel<T>.TransformInto(Matrix<Double>, Matrix<Double>))
TransformInto(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>) Applies the transformation to a single observation.
(Overrides TransformationModel<T>.TransformInto(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>))

See Also