One-Way Anova in C# QuickStart Sample

Illustrates how to use the OneWayAnovaModel class to perform a one-way analysis of variance in C#.

View this sample in: Visual Basic F# IronPython

using System;

using Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis;
using Numerics.NET.Statistics;

namespace Numerics.NET.Quickstart.CSharp
    /// <summary>
    /// Illustrates the use of the OneWayAnovaModel class for performing 
    /// a one-way analysis of variance.
    /// </summary>
    class AnovaOneWay
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The license is verified at runtime. We're using
            // a 30 day trial key here. For more information, see

            // This QuickStart Sample investigates the effect of the color of packages
            // on the sales of the product. The data comes from 12 stores.
            // Packages can be either red, green or blue.

            // Set up the data as anonymous records:
            var values = new[] {
                new { Store = 1, Color = "Blue", Shape = "Square", Sales = 6 },
                new { Store = 2, Color = "Blue", Shape = "Square", Sales = 14 },
                new { Store = 3, Color = "Blue", Shape = "Rectangle", Sales = 19 },
                new { Store = 4, Color = "Blue", Shape = "Rectangle", Sales = 17 },

                new { Store = 5, Color = "Red", Shape = "Square", Sales = 18 },
                new { Store = 6, Color = "Red", Shape = "Square", Sales = 11 },
                new { Store = 7, Color = "Red", Shape = "Rectangle", Sales = 20 },
                new { Store = 8, Color = "Red", Shape = "Rectangle", Sales = 23 },

                new { Store = 9, Color = "Green", Shape = "Square", Sales = 7 },
                new { Store = 10, Color = "Green", Shape = "Square", Sales = 11 },
                new { Store = 11, Color = "Green", Shape = "Rectangle", Sales = 18 },
                new { Store = 12, Color = "Green", Shape = "Rectangle", Sales = 10 },
            var dataFrame = DataFrame.FromObjects(values);

            // Construct the OneWayAnovaModel object.
            var anova = new OneWayAnovaModel(dataFrame, "Sales", "Color");
            // Alternatively, you can use a formula to specify the variables:
            anova = new OneWayAnovaModel(dataFrame, "Sales ~ Color");
            // Perform the calculation.

            // Verify that the design is balanced:
            if (!anova.IsBalanced)
                Console.WriteLine("The design is not balanced.");

            // The AnovaTable property gives us a classic ANOVA table.
            // We can write the table directly to the console:
            // A Cell object represents the data in a cell of the model,
            // i.e. the data related to one level of the factor.
            // We can use it to access the group means of our color groups.

            // First we get the index so we can easily iterate
            // through the levels:
            var colorFactor = anova.GetFactor<string>(0);
            foreach(string level in colorFactor)
                Console.WriteLine("Mean for group '{0}': {1:F4}",
                    level, anova.Cells.Get(level).Mean);
            // We could have accessed the cells directly as well:
            Console.WriteLine("Variance for blue packages: {0}", 
            // We can get the summary data for the entire model
            // from the TotalCell property:
            Cell totalSummary = anova.TotalCell;
            Console.WriteLine("Summary data:");
            Console.WriteLine($"# observations: {totalSummary.Count}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Grand mean:     {totalSummary.Mean:F4}");

            Console.Write("Press any key to exit.");