Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis Namespace

The Numerics.NET.DataAnalysis namespace contains classes for working with data frames and analyzing data.


AccumulatingAggregator<T, TResult, TAccumulator> Represents an aggregator that uses an accumulator.
AccumulatingAggregator<T, TResult, TIntermediate, TConverter, TAccumulator> Represents an aggregator that uses an accumulator.
Aggregator<T, TResult> Represents a function that aggregates the values in a vector.
AggregatorGroup Represents an aggregation operation in a way that is independent of the operand types.
AggregatorGroup<TResult> Represents an aggregator group that computes a result of the specified type.
Aggregators Contains many of the most common aggregation functions.
BinaryAccumulatingAggregator<T1, T2, TResult, TIntermediate, TConverter1, TConverter2, TAccumulator> 
BinaryAggregator<T1, T2, TResult> Represents a function that aggregates the values in two vectors.
BinaryAggregatorGroup Represents an aggregation operation in a way that is independent of the operand types.
BinaryAggregatorGroup<TResult> Represents an aggregator group that computes a result of the specified type.
CategoricalEncoding Represents an encoding of the levels in a categorical variable.
DataFrame Contains extension methods for data frames.
DataFrame<R, C> Represents a data frame with row and column indexes of the specified type.
DataFrameRow<R, C> Represents a row in a data frame.
DateTimeExtensions Contains extension methods related to dates and recurrences.
DestructiveAggregator<T, TResult> Represents an aggregator that mutates the values of the collection it aggregates over.
DestructiveAggregator<T, TResult, TIntermediate, TConverter> Represents an aggregator that destroys its input.
Grouping Represents a collection of keys mapped to groups of indices.
Grouping<TKey> Represents a grouping of elements with an index of the specified type.
Histogram Contains methods for creating and working with histograms.
Histogram<T> Represents a histogram with bins indexed by the specified type.
Index Contains methods for creating and manipulating indexes.
Index<T> Represents a set of keys of a specific type.
IntervalIndex<T> Represents an index over contiguous intervals.
JoinIndex Represents a set of one or more columns that can serve as a key in a join operation.
MissingValueException Represents an exception that may be thrown when a missing data value is encountered during a calculation.
Parameter<T> Represents a parameter in a statistical model.
ParameterVector<T> Represents the joint estimate of a set of parameters.
Pivot Represents a two-dimensional grouping of data.
Pivot<R, C> Represents a two-dimensional grouping of data.
Recurrence Represents a recurrence pattern that can be used to define date ranges.
Subset Represents a set of indexes that can be used to select elements in a Vector<T> or rows in a IDataFrame.
TransformedParameter<T> Represents a parameter in a statistical model that is a transformation of a standard parameter.
TypePreservingAggregatorGroup Represents an aggregator group where the type of the result is the element type of the input.
TypePreservingBinaryAggregatorGroup Represents an aggregator group where the type of the result is the element type of the input.
VectorExtensions Represents transformations that can be applied to a vector.


IAccumulator<T> Represents an object that performs incremental calculations.
IAccumulator<T, TResult> Represents an accumulator that computes a result of the specified type.
IAggregator Specifies the methods and properties shared by all aggregators.
IAggregator<T> Defines the methods and properties shared by all aggregators that return a specific type.
IBinaryAccumulator<T1, T2> Represents an object that performs incremental calculations on two input sequences.
IBinaryAccumulator<T1, T2, TResult> Represents an object that performs incremental calculations on two input sequences.
IBinaryAggregator Specifies the methods and properties shared by all aggregators.
IBinaryAggregator<TResult> Defines the methods and properties shared by all aggregators that return a specific type.
IDataFrame Specifies the basic functionality of a data frame.
IGrouping Represents a grouping of data on an index.
IIndex Defines the properties and methods common to all indexes.
IPivot Represents a grouping of data in two-dimensional format.


AggregatorAttributes Enumerates properties of aggregators used to optimize their application.
BoundaryIntervalBehavior Enumerates how segments at the boundaries of subdivided series are handled.
DateTimeUnit Enumerates the time units.
Direction Enumerates the possible direction in operations that operate on collections.
JoinType Enumerates the possible ways of joining two indexes.
MissingValueAction Enumerates the possible actions to be taken when a calculation encounters a missing value.
MultipleMissingValueAction Enumerates the possible actions to be taken when a calculation involving more than one variable encounters a missing value.
RankTiebreaker Enumerates the possible ways to break a tie when ranking observations.
SortOrder Enumerates the ways data can be sorted.
SpecialBins Enumerates the possible special bins to be included in an IntervalIndex<T>.