BarycentricSeries.GetFloaterHormannInterpolator Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Curves
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

GetFloaterHormannInterpolator(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, Int32) Constructs a Floater-Hormann interpolating rational function through a set of points.
GetFloaterHormannInterpolator(Func<Double, Double>, Double, Double, Int32, Int32) Constructs the Floater-Hormann interpolating rational function of the specified order over the given interval for the specified function.

GetFloaterHormannInterpolator(Vector<Double>, Vector<Double>, Int32)

Constructs a Floater-Hormann interpolating rational function through a set of points.
public static BarycentricSeries GetFloaterHormannInterpolator(
	Vector<double> xValues,
	Vector<double> yValues,
	int order


xValues  Vector<Double>
A vector containing the x-coordinates of the interpolation points. The elements of this array must be distinct.
yValues  Vector<Double>
A vector containing the y-coordinates of the interpolation points.
order  Int32
The order or blending parameter of the Floater-Hormann basis.

Return Value

The interpolating BarycentricSeries for the specified points.


ArgumentNullExceptionxValues is null.


yValues is null.
DimensionMismatchException The arrays xValues and yValues have different lengths.

order is less than zero or greater than or equal to the length of xValues and yValues.

GetFloaterHormannInterpolator(Func<Double, Double>, Double, Double, Int32, Int32)

Constructs the Floater-Hormann interpolating rational function of the specified order over the given interval for the specified function.
public static BarycentricSeries GetFloaterHormannInterpolator(
	Func<double, double> function,
	double lowerBound,
	double upperBound,
	int length,
	int order


function  Func<Double, Double>
A delegate that represents the function to interpolate.
lowerBound  Double
The lower bound of the interval.
upperBound  Double
The upper bound of the interval.
length  Int32
The number of interpolation points.
order  Int32

Return Value

A BarycentricSeries object.


ArgumentExceptionThe interval has zero length.
ArgumentNullExceptionfunction is null.

order is less than zero or greater than or equal to length.

See Also