BarycentricSeries.GetChebyshevInterpolator Method

Calculates the Chebyshev interpolating polynomial of the specified degree over the given interval for the specified function.


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Curves
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public static BarycentricSeries GetChebyshevInterpolator(
	Func<double, double> function,
	double lowerBound,
	double upperBound,
	int degree


function  Func<Double, Double>
A delegate that represents the function to interpolate.
lowerBound  Double
The lower bound of the interval.
upperBound  Double
The upper bound of the interval.
degree  Int32
The desired degree of the interpolating polynomial.

Return Value

A BarycentricSeries that interpolates function over the interval from lowerBound to upperBound through the Chebyshev points of the second kind of degree degree.


ArgumentExceptionThe interval has zero length.
ArgumentNullExceptionfunction is null.
ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptiondegree is less than zero.

See Also