CubicSpline.CreateSmooth Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Curves
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

CreateSmooth(IList<Point>, Double) Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter.
CreateSmooth(IList<Point>, Double, IList<Double>) Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter and weights for the data points.
CreateSmooth(IList<Double>, IList<Double>, Double) Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter.
CreateSmooth(IList<Double>, IList<Double>, Double, IList<Double>) Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter and weights for the data points.

CreateSmooth(IList<Point>, Double)

Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter.
public static CubicSpline CreateSmooth(
	IList<Point> dataPoints,
	double smoothingParameter


dataPoints  IList<Point>
An list of Point values containing the data points.
smoothingParameter  Double
The smoothing parameter, with values between 0 (least squares horizontal line) and 1 (natural interpolating spline).

Return Value



This constructor constructs a smoothing spline which in general does not interpolate the data points but is more smooth.


ArgumentNullExceptiondataPoints is null.

CreateSmooth(IList<Point>, Double, IList<Double>)

Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter and weights for the data points.
public static CubicSpline CreateSmooth(
	IList<Point> dataPoints,
	double smoothingParameter,
	IList<double> weights


dataPoints  IList<Point>
An list of Point values containing the data points.
smoothingParameter  Double
The smoothing parameter, with values between 0 (least squares horizontal line) and 1 (natural interpolating spline).
weights  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the weights for the data points.

Return Value



This constructor constructs a smoothing spline which in general does not interpolate the data points but is more smooth.


ArgumentNullExceptiondataPoints is null.

CreateSmooth(IList<Double>, IList<Double>, Double)

Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter.
public static CubicSpline CreateSmooth(
	IList<double> xValues,
	IList<double> yValues,
	double smoothingParameter


xValues  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the x-values of the data points.
yValues  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the y-values corresponding to the values in xValues.
smoothingParameter  Double
The smoothing parameter, with values between 0 (least squares horizontal line) and 1 (natural interpolating spline).

Return Value



This constructor constructs a smoothing spline which in general does not interpolate the data points but is more smooth.


ArgumentNullExceptionxValues is null.


yValues is null.

The length of xValues does not equal the length of xValues.

CreateSmooth(IList<Double>, IList<Double>, Double, IList<Double>)

Constructs a smoothing spline for a set of points with specified smoothing parameter and weights for the data points.
public static CubicSpline CreateSmooth(
	IList<double> xValues,
	IList<double> yValues,
	double smoothingParameter,
	IList<double> weights


xValues  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the x-values of the data points.
yValues  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the y-values corresponding to the values in xValues.
smoothingParameter  Double
The smoothing parameter, with values between 0 (least squares horizontal line) and 1 (natural interpolating spline).
weights  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the weights for the data points.

Return Value



This constructor constructs a smoothing spline which in general does not interpolate the data points but is more smooth.


ArgumentNullExceptionxValues is null.


yValues is null.


weights is null.


The length of yValues does not equal the length of xValues.


The length of weights does not equal the length of xValues.

See Also