CubicSpline.CreateClamped Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Curves
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

CreateClamped(IList<Point>, Double, Double) Constructs a clamped cubic spline through a set of points.
CreateClamped(IList<Double>, IList<Double>, Double, Double) Constructs a clamped cubic spline through a set of points.

CreateClamped(IList<Point>, Double, Double)

Constructs a clamped cubic spline through a set of points.
public static CubicSpline CreateClamped(
	IList<Point> dataPoints,
	double leftDerivative,
	double rightDerivative


dataPoints  IList<Point>
An list of Point values containing the data points.
leftDerivative  Double
The value of the derivative at the leftmost data point.
rightDerivative  Double
The value of the derivative at the rightmost data point.

Return Value


CreateClamped(IList<Double>, IList<Double>, Double, Double)

Constructs a clamped cubic spline through a set of points.
public static CubicSpline CreateClamped(
	IList<double> xValues,
	IList<double> yValues,
	double leftDerivative,
	double rightDerivative


xValues  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the x-values of the data points.
yValues  IList<Double>
A Double list containing the y-values corresponding to the values in xValues.
leftDerivative  Double
The value of the derivative at the leftmost data point.
rightDerivative  Double
The value of the derivative at the rightmost data point.

Return Value



ArgumentNullExceptionxValues is null.


yValues is null.

DimensionMismatchException The length of xValues does not equal the length of yValues.

See Also