Catalan |
Represents Catalan's constant.
Degree |
Represents the size of a 1 degree angle in radians.
E |
Represents the base for the natural logarithm, e.
EulersConstant |
Represents Euler's constant.
Feigenbaum |
Represents Feigenbaum's constant.
Glaisher |
Represents Glaisher's constant.
GoldenRatio |
Represents the Golden Ratio.
InvLog10 |
Represents the base-10 logarithm of E.
Khinchin |
Represents Khinchin's constant.
Log10 |
Represents the natural logarithm of 10.
Log10E |
Represents the base 10 logarithm of E.
Log17 |
Represents the natural logarithm of 17.
Log2 |
Represents the natural logarithm of 2.
Log3 |
Represents the natural logarithm of 3.
LogTwoPi |
Represents the natural logarithm of two times Pi.
OneOverPi |
Represents the inverse of Pi.
OneOverSqrtPi |
Represents the inverse of the square root of Pi.
OneOverSqrtTwoPi |
Represents the inverse of the square root of two times Pi.
Pi |
Represents pi, the ratio of the circumference of a cirlce
to its diameter.
PiOverFour |
Represents 0.25 times Pi.
PiOverTwo |
Represents 0.5 times Pi.
PiSquared |
Represents Pi squared.
Sqrt17 |
Represents the square root of 17.
Sqrt2 |
Represents the square root of 2.
Sqrt3 |
Represents the square root of 3.
Sqrt5 |
Represents the square root of 5.
Sqrt7 |
Represents the square root of 7.
SqrtPi |
Represents the square root of Pi.
SqrtTwoPi |
Represents the square root of two times Pi.
TwoOverPi |
Represents 2 divided by Pi.
TwoPi |
Represents two times Pi.