Constants Fields


Apery Represents Apery's constant, equal to the zeta function evaluated at 3.
Catalan Represents Catalan's constant.
Degree Represents the size of a 1 degree angle in radians.
DegreesToRadians Represents the size of a 1 degree angle in radians.
E Represents the base for the natural logarithm, e.
EulerGamma Represents Euler's constant.
EulersConstant Represents Euler's constant.
Feigenbaum Represents Feigenbaum's constant.
Glaisher Represents Glaisher's constant.
GoldenRatio Represents the Golden Ratio.
InvLog10 Represents the base-10 logarithm of E.
InvLog2 Represents the base 2 logarithm of E.
Khinchin Represents Khinchin's constant.
Log10 Represents the natural logarithm of 10.
Log10E Represents the base 10 logarithm of E.
Log17 Represents the natural logarithm of 17.
Log2 Represents the natural logarithm of 2.
Log3 Represents the natural logarithm of 3.
LogTwoPi Represents the natural logarithm of two times Pi.
OneOverPi Represents the inverse of Pi.
OneOverSqrtPi Represents the inverse of the square root of Pi.
OneOverSqrtTwoPi Represents the inverse of the square root of two times Pi.
Pi Represents pi, the ratio of the circumference of a cirlce to its diameter.
PiOverFour Represents 0.25 times Pi.
PiOverTwo Represents 0.5 times Pi.
PiSquared Represents Pi squared.
RadiansToDegrees Represents the number of degrees in 1 radians.
Sqrt17 Represents the square root of 17.
Sqrt2 Represents the square root of 2.
Sqrt3 Represents the square root of 3.
Sqrt5 Represents the square root of 5.
Sqrt7 Represents the square root of 7.
SqrtPi Represents the square root of Pi.
SqrtTwoPi Represents the square root of two times Pi.
TwoOverPi Represents 2 divided by Pi.
TwoPi Represents two times Pi.

See Also