PiecewiseCurve.SetXValues Method

Sets the X values at the specified indexes.


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.Curves
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23
public void SetXValues(
	int[] indexes,
	double[] newValues


indexes  Int32[]
An integer array of zero-based indexes.
newValues  Double[]
A Double array.


This method allows you to set the X-values of multiple data points at the same time. This is especially useful when setting the values one at a time would cause the X values to no longer be in ascending order. This method still requires that all X values are in ascending order, but this condition is verified based on all the new X values.


ArgumentNullExceptionindexes is null.


newValues is null.

DimensionMismatchExceptionThe length of indexes does not equal the length of newValues.
ArgumentExceptionOne or more of the indexes is less than zero or greater than NumberOfIntervals.
Setting the value to would cause the X values to no longer be in ascending order.

See Also