BandMatrix<T>.Extract Method


Namespace: Extreme.Mathematics.LinearAlgebra
Assembly: Extreme.Numerics (in Extreme.Numerics.dll) Version: 8.1.23

Overload List

Extract(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32) Constructs a new band matrix from the components of another matrix.
Extract(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Intent) Constructs a new band matrix from the components of another matrix.
Extract(TriangularMatrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Int32, MatrixDiagonal) Constructs a new upper or lower band matrix from the components of a triangular matrix.
Extract(Matrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Int32, MatrixDiagonal, Intent) Constructs a new upper or lower band matrix from the components of a triangular matrix.

Extract(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32)

Constructs a new band matrix from the components of another matrix.
public static BandMatrix<T> Extract(
	Matrix<T> matrix,
	int lowerBandwidth,
	int upperBandwidth


matrix  Matrix<T>
The matrix that supplies the components.
lowerBandwidth  Int32
The lower bandwidth of the BandMatrix<T>.
upperBandwidth  Int32
The upper bandwidth of the BandMatrix<T>.

Return Value

A BandMatrix<T> with the same components as matrix with lower bandwidth lowerBandwidth and upper bandwidth upperBandwidth.

Extract(Matrix<T>, Int32, Int32, Intent)

Constructs a new band matrix from the components of another matrix.
public static BandMatrix<T> Extract(
	Matrix<T> matrix,
	int lowerBandwidth,
	int upperBandwidth,
	Intent intent


matrix  Matrix<T>
The matrix that supplies the components.
lowerBandwidth  Int32
The lower bandwidth of the BandMatrix<T>.
upperBandwidth  Int32
The upper bandwidth of the BandMatrix<T>.
intent  Intent
An Intent value that specifies the intended use of the extracted BandMatrix<T>.

Return Value

A BandMatrix<T> with the same components as matrix with lower bandwidth lowerBandwidth and upper bandwidth upperBandwidth.

Extract(TriangularMatrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Int32, MatrixDiagonal)

Constructs a new upper or lower band matrix from the components of a triangular matrix.
public static BandMatrix<T> Extract(
	TriangularMatrix<T> matrix,
	MatrixTriangle storedTriangle,
	int bandwidth,
	MatrixDiagonal unitDiagonal


matrix  TriangularMatrix<T>
The matrix that supplies the components.
storedTriangle  MatrixTriangle
A MatrixTriangle value that specifies whether to construct an upper or a lower triangular matrix.
bandwidth  Int32
The bandwidth of the BandMatrix<T>.
unitDiagonal  MatrixDiagonal
If true, the matrix is unit triangular. Only the elements below the diagonal in matrix are considered. If false, the diagonal elements of matrix are taken as the diagonal elements of the triangular matrix.

Return Value

A BandMatrix<T> with the same components as matrix with lower and upper bandwidth equal to bandwidth.

Extract(Matrix<T>, MatrixTriangle, Int32, MatrixDiagonal, Intent)

Constructs a new upper or lower band matrix from the components of a triangular matrix.
public static BandMatrix<T> Extract(
	Matrix<T> matrix,
	MatrixTriangle storedTriangle,
	int bandwidth,
	MatrixDiagonal unitDiagonal,
	Intent intent


matrix  Matrix<T>
The matrix that supplies the components.
storedTriangle  MatrixTriangle
A MatrixTriangle value that specifies whether to construct an upper or a lower triangular matrix.
bandwidth  Int32
The bandwidth of the BandMatrix<T>.
unitDiagonal  MatrixDiagonal
If true, the matrix is unit triangular. Only the elements below the diagonal in matrix are considered. If false, the diagonal elements of matrix are taken as the diagonal elements of the triangular matrix.
intent  Intent
An Intent value that specifies the intended use of the extracted BandMatrix<T>.

Return Value

A BandMatrix<T> with the same components as matrix with upper and lower bandwidth equal to bandwidth.

See Also