GeneralizedSingularValueDecomposition<T> Properties


BaseMatrix Gets the primary underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
Done Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the decomposition has been performed.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
GeneralizedSingularValues Gets a vector containing the generalized singular values.
Overwrite Gets or sets a value indicating whether the BaseMatrix should be overwritten by its decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
PrimaryFactors Gets a collection of the matrix factors that make up the decomposition of the first (primary) base matrix.
PrimarySingularValueMatrix Gets a matrix with the singular values on the diagonal.
PrimarySingularValues Gets a vector containing the singular values.
PrimarySingularVectors Gets the left singular vectors of the matrix A in the decomposition.
Rank Returns the numerical rank of a matrix using the specified tolerance.
RequestedFactors Gets or sets which factors of the singular value decomposition should be calculated.
SecondaryBaseMatrix Gets the secondary underlying matrix of the decomposition.
(Inherited from GeneralizedDecomposition<T>)
SecondaryFactors Gets a collection of the matrix factors that make up the decomposition of the secondary base matrix.
SecondarySingularValueMatrix Gets a matrix with the singular values on the diagonal.
SecondarySingularValues Gets a vector containing the secondary singular values.
SecondarySingularVectors Gets the left singular vectors of the matrix B in the decomposition.
SharedFactor Gets the shared factor in the decomposition.
SharedOrthogonalFactor Gets the shared orthogonal matrix of the decomposition.
SharedTriangularFactor Gets the full shared triangular factor of the decomposition.
TrimmedSharedTriangularFactor Gets the non-zero portion of the shared triangular matrix of the decomposition.

See Also