SparseCompressedColumnMatrix<T> Methods


AbsInPlace Computes the absolute value of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AbsoluteMax Returns the value of the element in this matrix that has the largest absolute value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AbsoluteMin Returns the value of the element in this matrix that has the smallest absolute value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AcoshInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AcosInPlace Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Add Adds a constant to a matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddAt Adds a value to the component at the specified location.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.AddAt(Int32, Int32, T))
AddInPlace(T) Adds a scalar to a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddInPlace(Matrix<T>) Adds another matrix to this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddInPlace(Vector<T>, Dimension) Adds a vector broadcast along the specified dimension to this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddProductInPlace(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds the product of two matrices to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddProductInPlace(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds the product of two matrices to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddProductToVector Multiplies a Vector<T> by this instance and stores the result in a second vector of type DenseVector<T>.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
AddScaledInPlace Adds a scaled matrix to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddScaledProductInPlace(T, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Adds a multiple of the scaled product of two matrices to this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AddScaledProductInPlace(T, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(Aggregator<T, U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>[]) Applies the specified aggregators to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumns<U>(Func<Vector<T>, U>) Applies the specified aggregators to all the columns in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumnsBy<U>(IGrouping, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the columns according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumnsBy<K, U>(IList<K>, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the columns grouped by the specified vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateColumnsListwise<U> Applies the specified aggregator to all the columns in the matrix, treating rows that contain any missing values as completely missing.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(Aggregator<T, U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>) Applies the specified aggregator to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(AggregatorGroup<U>[]) Applies the specified aggregators to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRows<U>(Func<Vector<T>, U>) Applies the specified aggregators to all the rows in the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<U>(IGrouping, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the rows according to the specified grouping.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<C, U>(C, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the rows grouped by the specified row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<K, U>(IList<K>, AggregatorGroup<U>) Returns a new matrix that aggregates the rows grouped by the specified vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AggregateRowsBy<R, U>(R, Func<Vector<T>, U>) Applies the specified aggregation function to the values in each row grouped by the specified grouping row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsDenseMatrix Returns this matrix as a dense matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsHermitianMatrix() Returns a matrix as a HermitianMatrix<T>, or null if the matrix is not hermitian.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsHermitianMatrix(MatrixTriangle) Returns a HermitianMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsinhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsinInPlace Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsSymmetricMatrix() Returns a matrix as a SymmetricMatrix<T>, or null if the matrix is not symmetrical.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AsSymmetricMatrix(MatrixTriangle) Returns a SymmetricMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AtanhInPlace Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
AtanInPlace Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CeilingInPlace Computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Clone() Constructs a deep copy of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Clone(CloningMethod) Makes a copy of this vector using the specified method.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.Clone(CloningMethod))
CloneData Gives this instance its own copy of its elements.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.CloneData())
CloneShape Creates a new matrix that has the same number of rows and columns and optionally preserves the writable structure.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Compact Sets the capacity to the actual number of nonzero components of the SparseCompressedColumnMatrix<T>.
ComponentwiseDivide(Matrix<T>) Divides the elements of this instance by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ComponentwiseMultiply Multiplies the elements of this instance by the corresponding elements of another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Conjugate Returns the transpose of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ConjugateInPlace Conjugates all elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ConjugateTranspose Returns the transpose of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyTo(Matrix<T>) Copies the elements of this matrix to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyTo(Array2D<T>, TransposeOperation) Copies the elements of this matrix to another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CopyTo(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation) Copies the components of this matrix to another matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.CopyTo(Matrix<T>, TransposeOperation))
CopyToOrClone Copies the elements of this vector to another matrix, if it exists; otherwise clones the matrix using the specified method.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CoshInPlace Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CosInPlace Computes the cosine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
CreateIdentity Returns an identity matrix as a sparse matrix.
Dispose() Releases unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
DivideAt Divides the component at the specified location by a value.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.DivideAt(Int32, Int32, T))
DivideInPlace Divides a matrix in-place by a scalar.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
DropEntries Removes elements that meet the specified condition.
ElementwiseDivideInPlace Divides the components of this instance by the corresponding components of another matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.ElementwiseDivideInPlace(Matrix<T>))
ElementwiseMultiplyInPlace Multiplies the components of this instance by the corresponding components of another matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.ElementwiseMultiplyInPlace(Matrix<T>))
ElementwisePowInPlace(Int32) Raises the elements of a matrix in-place to a constant power.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(T) Raises the elements of a matrix in-place to a constant power.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Matrix<T>) Raises this matrix in-place element-wise by another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Matrix<Int32>) Raises this matrix in-place element-wise by another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ElementwisePowInPlace(Vector<T>, Dimension) Raises this matrix in-place element-wise by a vector broadcast along the specified dimension.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EnsureCapacity Ensures that the matrix has enough storage to hold the specified number of nonzero elements.
EnsureWritable() Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EnsureWritable(Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EnsureWritable(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Equals(Matrix<T>) Determines whether the specified Matrix<T> is equal to the current Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Equals(Object, IEqualityComparer) Returns whether an object is structurally equal to this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
EstimateConditionNumber Calculates an estimate for the condition number of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ExpInPlace Computes the exponential of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ExtractTriangle Constructs an upper or lower triangular sparse matrix from a general sparse matrix.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.ExtractTriangle(MatrixTriangle, MatrixDiagonal))
FillMissingValuesInPlace(T) Replaces all missing values in a matrix with the specified value in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInPlace(DimensionType, Direction) Replaces all missing values in each row or column in-place with the previous or next non-missing value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInPlace(Vector<T>, DimensionType) Replaces all missing values in each row or column of a matrix in-place with the corresponding value from a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInto(T, Matrix<T>) Replaces all missing values in a matrix with the specified value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInto(Vector<T>, DimensionType, Matrix<T>) Replaces all missing values in each row or column with the corresponding value from a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FillMissingValuesInto(DimensionType, Direction, Matrix<T>, Int32) Replaces all missing values in each row or column with the previous or next non-missing value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FloorInPlace Computes the largest integer less than or equal to the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FrobeniusNorm Returns the Frobenius norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
FromMatrix Constructs a sparse matrix from a matrix.
Get<R, C> Gets the value with the specified key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetCholeskyDecomposition() Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetCholeskyDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetCholeskyDecomposition(Boolean))
GetColumn(Int32) Returns a column vector for this instance that points at the specified column.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Intent) Returns a column vector for this instance that points at the specified column.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Range) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a column vector for this instance starting at the specified column and row and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumn<C>(C) Gets the column with the specified column key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumnEnumerator Returns an enumerator that allows you to iterate over the columns of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumnOrdering Returns a permutation corresponding to a column ordering that minimizes fill-in during the LU decomposition of the matrix.
GetColumns(IEnumerable<Int32>) Returns a new matrix that contains only the columns in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumns(Int32, Int32) Returns a matrix that contains only the specified columns of the current matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumns<C>(IEnumerable<C>) Returns a new matrix that contains only the columns in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetColumnSums Returns the sums of the components of each column of the matrix.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.GetColumnSums())
GetConditionNumber Calculates the condition number of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetDeterminant Calculates the determinant of this matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
GetDiagonal() Gets a vector view of the diagonal elements of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetDiagonal(Int32) Gets a vector view of the specified diagonal of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetDiagonal(Int32, Intent) Gets a vector view of the specified diagonal of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetEigenvalueDecomposition() Returns the eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix<T>) Returns the generalized eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetEigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, Boolean) Returns the generalized eigenvalue decomposition for this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetExponential Computes the matrix exponential of a square matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHashCode() Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer) Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHermitianIndefiniteDecomposition() Returns the Hermitian indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetHermitianIndefiniteDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the Hermitian indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetInverse() Calculates the inverse matrix..
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
GetInverse(Boolean) Calculates the inverse of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLQDecomposition() Returns the LQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLQDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the LQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLUDecomposition() Returns the LU decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetLUDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the LU decomposition of the matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetLUDecomposition(Boolean))
GetNearestColumn<C> Gets the column nearest to the specified column key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestColumns<C> Returns a new matrix that contains only the columns in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestRow<R> Gets the row nearest to the specified row key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNearestRows<R> Returns a new matrix that contains only the rows in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetNonzeroElements Returns the nonzero components
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.GetNonzeroElements(Int32[], Int32[]))
GetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo with the values needed to serialize the target object.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext))
GetParallelColumnEnumerator Returns a partitioner that allows you to iterate over the rows of this instance in parallel.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetParallelRowEnumerator Returns a partitioner that allows you to iterate over the rows of this instance in parallel.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetPseudoInverse Calculates the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQLDecomposition() Returns the QL decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQLDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the QL decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQRDecomposition() Returns the QR decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetQRDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the QR decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32) Returns a row vector for this instance that points at the specified row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Intent) Returns a row vector for this instance that points at the specified row.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Range) Returns a row vector for this instance starting at the specified row and column and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a row vector for this instance over the specified range.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a row vector for this instance over the specified range.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a row vector for this instance starting at the specified row and column and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Intent) Returns a row vector for this instance starting at the specified row and column and of the specified length.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRow<R>(R) Gets the row with the specified row key.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRowEnumerator Returns an enumerator that allows you to iterate over the rows of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRows(Subset) Returns a matrix containing only the rows in the specified subset.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRows(Int32, Int32) Returns a matrix that contains only the specified rows of the current matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRows<R>(IEnumerable<R>) Returns a new matrix that contains only the rows in the specified sequence.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRowSums Returns the sums of the components of each row of the matrix.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.GetRowSums())
GetRQDecomposition() Returns the RQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetRQDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the RQ decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition() Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix<T>) Returns the generalized singular value decomposition of the matrix and another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(SingularValueDecompositionFactors) Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, GeneralizedSingularValueDecompositionFactors) Returns the generalized singular value decomposition of the matrix and another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(SingularValueDecompositionFactors, Boolean) Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(Matrix<T>, GeneralizedSingularValueDecompositionFactors, Boolean) Returns the generalized singular value decomposition of the matrix and another matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSingularValueDecomposition(SingularValueDecompositionFactors, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Double, Double) Returns the singular value decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
GetSingularValues Gets a vector containing the singular values of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Range, Range) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Range, Range, TransposeOperation) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSubmatrix(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, TransposeOperation, Intent) Returns a sub-matrix of this instance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSymmetricIndefiniteDecomposition() Returns the symmetric indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetSymmetricIndefiniteDecomposition(Boolean) Returns the symmetric indefinite (Bunch-Kaufman) decomposition of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
GetValue(Int32, Int32) Gets the matrix component at the specified position.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
GetValue<R, C>(R, C) Gets the value at the specified row and column keys.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
GetValues Infrastructure.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
InfinityNorm Returns the infinity norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
InsertClique Inserts a two-dimensional set of values at the specified positions in the sparse matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
InsertColumn Inserts a set of values at the specified column in the sparse matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
InsertEntries Inserts a set of values at the specified positions in the sparse matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
InsertEntry Inserts a value at the specified position in the sparse matrix.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.InsertEntry(T, Int32, Int32))
InsertRow Inserts a set of values at the specified row in the sparse matrix.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
IsComponentWritable Returns a value that indicates whether the value of the element at the specified row and column can be changed.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
IsElementWritable Gets a value indicating whether the value of the component at the specified column and row can be changed.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.IsElementWritable(Int32, Int32))
IsMissing Returns whether the value at the specified index is missing.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
IsSingular Gets a value indicating whether this matrix is singular.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(Matrix<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix in the least squares sense and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolve(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector in the least squares sense and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
LeastSquaresSolveInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LeastSquaresSolveInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side in the least squares sense.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Log10InPlace Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LogInPlace() Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
LogInPlace(T) Computes the logarithm of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapColumns<U> Applies a vector function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapColumnsInPlace Applies a function to each column in a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapColumnsInto<U> Applies a vector function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInPlace(Func<T, T>) Applies a function in-place to the elements of a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInPlace<U>(Func<U, T, T>, Matrix<U>) Applies a function in-place to the elements of a matrix as the second argument.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInPlace<U>(Func<T, U, T>, Matrix<U>) Applies a function to the elements of a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapInto<U> Applies a function to the elements of a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapRows<U> Applies a vector function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapRowsInPlace Applies a function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MapRowsInto<U> Applies a vector function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Max Returns the value of the largest element in this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Min Returns the value of the smallest element in this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Multiply(Matrix<T>)Applies the linear operator to a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(Vector<T>)Applies the linear operator to a vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Multiplies a matrix on the left by this matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>) Multiplies a vector on the left by this vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Multiply(MatrixOperationSide, TransposeOperation, TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>) Multiplies this matrix by another matrix and returns the result.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
MultiplyAt Multiplies the component at the specified location by a value.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.MultiplyAt(Int32, Int32, T))
MultiplyInPlace Multiplies this matrix by a scalar factor.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.MultiplyInPlace(T))
MultiplyTranspose(Matrix<T>)Applies the transpose of the linear operator to a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
MultiplyTranspose(Vector<T>)Applies the (conjugate) transpose of the linear operator to a vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
NegateInPlace Negates a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
OneNorm Returns the 1-norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
PermuteColumnsInPlace Permutes the columns of the matrix using the specified Permutation.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.PermuteColumnsInPlace(Permutation))
PermuteRowsAndColumnsInPlace(Permutation) Permutes the rows and columns of the matrix using the specified Permutation.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
PermuteRowsAndColumnsInPlace(Permutation, Permutation) Permutes the rows and columns of the matrix using the specified row and column Permutation.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
PermuteRowsInPlace Permutes the rows of the matrix using the specified Permutation.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.PermuteRowsInPlace(Permutation))
Protect Returns a read-only copy of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ProtectInPlace Protects the matrix from changes.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Rank() Returns the numerical rank of a matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Rank(T) Returns the numerical rank of a matrix using the specified tolerance.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Reduce<U> Applies a function to each row or column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceColumns<U> Applies a function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceColumnsInto<U> Applies a function to each column in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceRows<U> Applies a function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReduceRowsInto<U> Applies a function to each row in a matrix and returns the result as a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
RemoveWithMissingValues Returns a new matrix that has the rows or columns that contain missing values removed.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Reserve Reserves storage for the specified number of nonzero elements.
Reshape Returns a matrix that contains the same elements listed columnwise.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ReshapeAsVector Returns a vector that contains the columnwise matrix elements.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleColumns Scales the columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleColumnsInPlace Scales the columns of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleRows Scales the rows of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ScaleRowsInPlace Scales the rows of the matrix by the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SetToZero Sets all elements of the matrix to zero.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SetValue(T) Sets all elements of the matrix to the specified value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SetValue(T, Int32, Int32) Sets the matrix component at the specified position to the specified value.
(Inherited from SparseMatrix<T>)
SetValue<R, C>(T, R, C) Sets the value at the specified row and column key value.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ShallowCopy Makes a shallow copy of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SinhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SinInPlace Computes the sine of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Solve(Matrix<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
Solve(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>))
SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.SolveInto(TransposeOperation, Vector<T>, Vector<T>))
SolveTranspose(Matrix<T>) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side matrix.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(Vector<T>) Solves the system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side vector.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(DenseMatrix<T>, Boolean) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense matrix and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTranspose(DenseVector<T>, Boolean) Solves the transposed system of linear equations for the specified right-hand side dense vector and optionally overwrites the right-hand side with the solution.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTransposeInto(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and multiple right-hand sides.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SolveTransposeInto(Vector<T>, Vector<T>) Solves a system of equations defined by the matrix and the specified right-hand side.
(Inherited from LinearOperator<T>)
SortColumns() Sorts each column of the matrix in ascending order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SortColumns(SortOrder) Sorts each column of the matrix in the specified order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SortRows() Sorts each row of the matrix in ascending order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SortRows(SortOrder) Sorts each row of the matrix in the specified order.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SqrtInPlace Computes the square root of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractAt Subtracts a value from the component at the specified location.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.SubtractAt(Int32, Int32, T))
SubtractInPlace(T) Subtracts a scalar value from the elements of this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractInPlace(Matrix<T>) Subtracts another matrix from this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SubtractInPlace(Vector<T>, Dimension) Subtracts a vector broadcast along the specified dimension from this matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Sum Returns the sum of the elements of the matrix.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.Sum())
Summarize() Returns a summary of the contents of the matrix using the default summary options.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Summarize(SummaryOptions) Returns a summary of the contents of the matrix using the specified options.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
SwapColumns Swaps the columns with the specified indices.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.SwapColumns(Int32, Int32))
SwapRows Interchanges the specified rows of the matrix.
(Overrides SparseMatrix<T>.SwapRows(Int32, Int32))
TanhInPlace Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TanInPlace Computes the tangent of the elements of a matrix in-place.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToArray() Gets the elements of the vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToArray(MatrixElementOrder) Gets the elements of the vector.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.ToArray(MatrixElementOrder))
ToDataFrame<R, C>() Converts a matrix to a data frame with the same row and column indexes.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToDataFrame<R, C>(Index<R>, Index<C>) Converts a matrix to a data frame with the same row and column indexes.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToDenseMatrix Makes a copy of this instance and returns it as a dense matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToHermitianMatrix Returns a new HermitianMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToString()Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToString(String) Returns a String representation of this Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToString(String, IFormatProvider) Returns a String representation of this Matrix<T>.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
ToSymmetricMatrix Returns a new SymmetricMatrix<T> extracted from a part of the matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Trace Gets the sum of the diagonal elements of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
Transpose Returns the transpose of this instance.
(Overrides Matrix<T>.Transpose())
TryEnsureWritable() Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TryEnsureWritable(Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TryEnsureWritable(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Ensures that the element at the specified index in the vector can be written to.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
TwoNorm Returns the two-norm of this matrix.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleColumns Unscales the columns of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleColumnsInPlace Unscales the columns of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleRows Unscales the rows of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)
UnscaleRowsInPlace Unscales the rows of the matrix by the reciprocal of the values specified by a vector.
(Inherited from Matrix<T>)

Extension Methods

Abs<T> Computes the absolute value of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Acos<T> Computes the inverse cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Acosh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
AddScaledProduct<T> Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
AddScaledProduct<T> Adds the scaled product of two matrices to another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Asin<T> Computes the inverse sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Asinh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Atan<T> Computes the inverse tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Atanh<T> Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Ceiling<T> Computes the smallest integer greater than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ColumnMeans<T> Returns a vector containing the means of the columns of a matrix.
(Defined by Stats)
Conjugate<T> Returns the conjugate of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ConjugateInto<T> Conjugates the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Cos<T> Computes the cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Cosh<T> Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
CovarianceMatrix<T> Returns the covariance matrix for the columns in a matrix.
(Defined by Stats)
Exp<T> Computes the exponential of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Floor<T> Computes the largest integer less than or equal to the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Log<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Log10<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the base 10 logarithms of the elements of another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
MakeDistributed<T> Returns a distributed version of a matrix.
(Defined by DistributedExtensions)
Max<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
Max<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
MaxInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
MaxInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the maximum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
Min<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
Min<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
MinInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimums of the components of two vectors.
(Defined by Matrix)
MinInto<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the minimum of the components of a matrix and a real number.
(Defined by Matrix)
Reciprocal<T> Returns a matrix whose elements are the inverses (reciprocals) of the components of another matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ReciprocalInto<T> Computes the inverses (reciprocals) of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
RowMeans<T> Returns a vector containing the means of the rows of a matrix.
(Defined by Stats)
Sin<T> Computes the sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Sinh<T> Computes the hyperbolic sine of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Sqrt<T> Computes the square root of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Tan<T> Computes the tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
Tanh<T> Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of a matrix.
(Defined by Matrix)
ToJson<T> Returns a string containing a matrix in JSON format.
(Defined by JsonFile)

See Also